Chapter two ( I / School )

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Carmon Pov

It was finally my 2nd favorite part of the day lunchtime the bell rings before the sound of teens running echo afterward. I sat at my desk finishing my sketch not worried about going to the cafeteria we're all of the chatty people were. "Hi, Ryan," a sweet mellow voice said before I looked up to see who it was. My eyes widen seeing her in front of me I wave nervously trying not to seem rude. She looks at my book curiously "that looks good." She points at the drawing of her I was too embarrassed to respond "I'm having a party this weekend I would be happy if you showed up Ryan." She gives me another beautiful smile I nod imitating the same smile. She hands me a piece of paper. "This is the VIP pass barely anyone got one please use it wisely and this will help you get in" after that Billie left the classroom leaving me alone looking at the neon green paper with a weirdly drawn character on it almost like a stick figure. I smile clenching it close happily "Thank you, Billie"

 I smile clenching it close happily "Thank you, Billie"

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Party Favor ( Billie Eilish x Reader) GL fanfic (Not Edited/ slow update)Where stories live. Discover now