(Oneshot) /kids/ Finding peace and home?

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A/n: hope u guys like this mini series too we're u get to see the adventures and things Ryan and Billie did before they were adopted I want you guy to feel like your in the story I don't want u to feel like oh just one bit of history no I want u to know more well enjoy.

Billie pov
It was finally lunch time and I was starting to get to the bottom of this place. Ryan sat in the Conor of the room with her legs cross eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She stand out around here in slot of ways but that's what made her cute. I take a seat right next to her "hi" i say waiting for her response but she still isn't talking Huh. I dig into my jacket pocket and pulled out a purple bag. She started looking my direction. I smile waving the bag in my hand "Do you want some?" She nods "talk to me first" she opens her mouth but hesitates "come on just say one a few little words" I shake the bag again. "Can I have some pleazzz?" She said in a cute adorable voice. I smile before handing her the bag to her "why don't your talk that much?" She looks at me still eating the chips "every time I speak people always leave me" she says sadly I take one of her hands and hold it close to me "I'm here for you " she then hugs me.

Timeskip "Ryan pov"

"Ryan" Jada came into the room "come on darling time for bed" she picks me up and starts carrying me.

............About Jada.........
Jada was a single mom she had a daughter name destiny who the same age as me destiny was her everything and was what kept her living. Sadly destiny died a few months before I got here she had a blood cancer she lacked red blood cells her white blood cells were eating all the red ones. But since I got here Jada been giving me special treatment. She would always say how I remind her of Destiny She would even dress me in destiny old clothes cause I looked just like her.

Back to the story
"There you go princess you look so beautiful." She says after putting one last touch on my outfit. She put me in pink Pjs that were covered in white hearts. "Thank you" I chirp with a smile making her happy. "Alright now go to bed and mommy... I mean Jada will come make you pretty again tomorrow" I nod before running off

What all the rooms looked like

"Ryan" I turn to see Billie sitting in my bed "what are you doing in my bed?" I say curiously

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"Ryan" I turn to see Billie sitting in my bed "what are you doing in my bed?" I say curiously. "I was keeping it warm for you" she says while patting the empty space next to her. "Why are you dressed so girly all the time?" I look down at my Pjs and shrug. "I always dress like this". I lay my head on the pillow looking at her face to face. "Don't you notice something?" She says while playing with a strain of my hair. "What?" She moves closer. "Your finally started speaking" she starts caressing my cheek I smile "are we friends?"

Billie pov
She looks me into the eyes with her big sparkling ones making me question again why is she so cute. I nod "yea we're friends no we're best friends" she then hugs me giving me a tight squeeze making me feel safe and finally at home.

Party Favor ( Billie Eilish x Reader) GL fanfic (Not Edited/ slow update)Where stories live. Discover now