Who Are You?

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Nancy Pov( Carmen mom)

"So Remind me why were letting your sister take our kids away again," I say while waving at the car as it drives away into a distance with my babies and my crazy sister in law "Nancy don't you remember what she said her plan could would besides" he pull me close to him by my waist "when was the last time we had some alone time" I gulp hard looking at that smirk knowing what was gonna happen next.

Carmen Pov

Jacob's eyes were glued to Billie from the lemon to the airport to the hotel. "Kid, why do you keep looking at me?' Billie finally says making him jump "Oh nothing," he says in a cracking voice trying to sound manly in front of her. "Jacob baby stop bothering Billie or I will tell everyone the story on how you-" 

"shhhhh... MOM" Jacob yells with a tent of blush on his little cheeks making all of us laugh "Okay," she says before turning over to us "Carmen and Carlon your pops called me ahead and told me to give you guys your rooms cause you guys are teenagers," she said teenagers with air quotes "Billie would you like your room? my aunt asks with a smile "no it's alright I was thinking maybe I could bunk with carmen since we are both girls" she wraps her arm around my shoulder pulling me near her. making Jacob growl like a dog "mom I and Cameron should share a room because it our usual thing" Jacob yells getting everyone in the lobby attention "Jacob Carmon women now and women need their privacy" that was the last thing she said before Jacob stormed off. 

"your little cousin Really likes you" I roll my eyes at Billie comment "really is an understatement" she laughs Jacob been attached to me since I was little my mom couldn't have any more kid or should is say didn't want to have any more kid and she use to always say she was just fine with me and Carlon because us and dad was all the family she needed. her words flash through my head making me sigh the same way it did when it was first said aunt rosemary had Jacob once she started getting into her 40s so Jacob is the only child because of that Jacob was like a brother to me more like the little brother I never yet had.

"so what are we doing 1st," Billie says before diving into the bed back 1st. "whatever we want I guess," I say before picking up the traveled guide why did my aunt choose for us to go to France of all places I sigh even after spending mins we still couldn't convince aunt rosemary to let us share a room Billie room was just across from mine our doors were in front of each other.

Carlon Pov

Why am I always being forced to join these little trips I just wanna sit alone in my quiet room. I sigh looking down at the pool there were barely any people down there only two or three people a hint of something caught the corner of my eye from the left side of the pool a girl that looks like a goddess stood she was holding a small pull bag walking towards the pool she had caramel-colored skin and black bouncy curl that move with every step she took her bikini hugged her skin just right her bikini was an orange color that poped I never thought someone could make me want to be something so bad. the girl stopped and start taking out her earbuds before resting them on a chair with her towel and phone before diving into the pool 

"knock-knock Carlon aunt Rosemary says that you have to tag along with me and Billie cause she thinks the city isn't safe for us" I roll my eyes before opening the door why do little sisters always ruin the fun in things.

-Time skip-

these kids had me running everywhere with them but I can't complain Jacob tagged along once he noticed that Billie was coming along "Carlon you know you can go do what you want?" I look over to my little sister "Aunt Rose.M. thinks that were with you right?" I nod "yep" she grins giving me a suspicious look "go off and do what you want me and Billie can handle our selves were tuff," she says while flexing her arms showing off her imaginary muscles I couldn't help but laugh which kinda shocked them sometime I imagine Carmen as the same 8 years old she was when I last saw her."Alright I trust you I have some business to handle anyway" I said before walking off.

"Alright I trust you I have some business to handle anyway" I said before walking off

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A/n hey guys I'm thinking Carlon should finally find love what do you think?

also, I have a new computer so now it will be easier to update I will try to update as fast as I can thank you for reading guys :)










Party Favor ( Billie Eilish x Reader) GL fanfic (Not Edited/ slow update)Where stories live. Discover now