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"I'm on your side!"

Potions class was quiet for Draco, letting him doze into a stupa as Professor Slughorn attempted to discuss wolfsbane and different types of flowers enthusiastically. Unfortunately, not one of the magical teenagers found his words interesting.

Draco knew one girl who would.

His eyes wondered the room, glazing over the faces of sleepy students, the textbooks in the cupboard and hoards of jars filled with a variety of eyes, plants and multicoloured liquid. The idea of drinking the contents of a particular silver flask came into Draco's mind, but he let his mind wonder as his common sense was better than most.

He heard the bell toll and students began to rummage with their books, eager to escape the constraints that glued them to their chairs. Draco didn't rush like the pack but instead took his time, leaving the room in a casual stroll.

The students were flocking the hallway, bumping shoulders with stifled curses. Despite the tight space, Goyle and Crabbe still managed to find the blonde boy and follow him, one on each side.

The trio moved like they were in third form, the three being the ultimate club that struck fear in the eyes of their peers. It was a move to strike dominance but the second Draco noticed the familiar formation, he paused and turned to the boys.

"I'll catch up with you later."

Leaving Draco to his own thoughts, the two boys headed towards the courtyard whilst Draco made a beeline to the library, eager to spot Hermione.

Just his luck, he noticed a girl sitting in the archway of the courtyard, nose tucked into a book, so her face was hidden.

He slid up to her side and took the book from her hands, closing it after he carefully left a corner folded.

Hermione was surprised to see him but eased into his presence. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear gingerly and bumped her shoulder into his.

"Don't you have class?" she questioned.

He gave a small shake of his head. "I have a study period. Care to take a stroll with me?" He held out a porcelain hand as he rose from his spot, the book still tucked under his arm.

Hermione looked around anxiously before putting her sun-kissed hand into his and rose to her feet. Together, they walked side by side, shoulders close together at a steady pace.

The two enveloped themselves in the silence that lingered in the hall now that all the students were gathered in their designated classrooms. There were one or two of their peers still strolling or jogging between rooms, a first-year getting quite a shock at the sight of them.

"Do you remember the first year?" Hermione questioned, looking around the halls as nostalgia overtook her senses. "Small, clueless, and a little bit too ambitious."

"Still am – ambitious, I mean." Draco grinned, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I remember what an entitled ass I was. But then again, all I wanted to do was impress my father, therefore my best idea was to imitate him."

Hermione stayed quiet, remembering her first days at Hogwarts. The thought passed Draco's mind too, and both of them began to remember the previous years of memories. From the first quidditch match to the Yule Ball, so many events were embedded in their minds.

But it was the year that their time at Hogwarts will come to a close. They will hug their classmates one last time, promising to write when they can. Each student would wait for their O.W.L. results anxiously, eager to become the professional they dreamed to be.

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