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"...then I declared you bonded for life."

The silk on Hermione's naked back was soothing but cool despite the warmth that lingered outside the castle walls. She and the other body were the only sources of warmth, whilst the room filled itself with a strange and mysterious chill.

Hermione eased her eyes open and gently pulled away from the arm that rested upon her waist. With her back cracking after the unusual sleeping position, Hermione covered herself with the silk sheet and turned to the small clock on the bed-stand.

On the clock's face, it read only the wee hours of the morning – quarter past three. It was unusual for her mind to stray from a well-rested sleep, but every inch of her body knew that there was something else plaguing her mind.

The envelope.

Delicately, Hermione picked out the envelope from the floor which happened to be sitting on top of her dress. It seemed to draw more attention than the previous hours.

Her fingers itched to reach down and rip apart the paper to uncover what words lingered within. But as soon as she was about to lean down, a dry, rough voice called behind her.


Delicately, Hermione turned in her spot and glanced at the boy who had his hands resting under his head. Nonetheless, Hermione blushed slightly at the view of his exposed pecks and the detail that carved his arms. Quickly busying herself, Hermione picked up the envelope from the ground and held it in her hands.

"I'm scared." Hermione released the breath she's been holding in but quickly sucked in another gulp to calm her jittering nerves. "Anything could be in this. But I just don't know what."

Leaning towards Hermione, Draco put an arm around Hermione and pulled her over to sit in his lap. Hermione blushed at his touch but couldn't deny the warmth that filled her body.

"Open it and you'll find out" Draco insisted.

Hermione paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. Her mind kept running over overly analysed issues that could ruin her future. The idea of the worst plagued her mind and released a wave of anxiety.

Before Hermione allowed her mind to overindulge on negative ideas, her fingers dug into the envelope.

Within was a sheet of paper; old, creamy parchment with perfect cursive calligraphy spilt on the page. Each word was easily read by Hermione. However, Draco simply looked over her shoulder, waiting for the news to be broken.

Tears began to grow behind Hermione's eyes and as a single drop escaped down her cheek, ultimate joy filled the air.

"Oh my... gosh" Hermione exclaimed. "Dear Miss Granger, we are honoured to offer you a position as an apprentice within the ministry of magic. We send our congratulations for your upcoming graduation as Valedictorian and we look forward to work with you and your expertise on the Muggle World in the near future.'"

Hermione quickly turned around and threw the letter onto the end of the bed to straddle Draco.

"They want me in the Ministry of Magic," Hermione whisper. "The Ministry of Magic."

"I'm so proud Hermione" Draco replied. "I know you'll do great things – no matter what runs through your veins."

With excitement, Hermione leaned down and kissed Draco. The kiss was filled with fireworks that created an electric force. It filled both of their beings and gave a new desire to only have each other for days to come.

Moments later, Hermione pulled away slowly, her breath heavy and in sync with Draco's own breathlessness. Their foreheads rested on each other, noses inches away from initiating yet another passionate kiss.

"Draco, I have one more thing to tell you," Hermione started, heart pounding harder than before. "Ever since day one, I knew I would be with you. From saving me from cruel boys or the pressure of my muggle-born blood, I knew you would be my saviour. And with that, I have three words left to say.

Draco Malfoy, I love you."


Authors Note:

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Authors Note:

And the final words spoken are here... As well as the finally chapter.... and the final book for the series.

Thank you everyone for encouraging me to write this sequel and to carry on the story of these two love birds. It has definitely been hard writing this after my significantly large break between books (or writing, in general). Nonetheless, I hope you have enjoyed both Gryffindor Gala and Slytherin Ball, and are eager for more of my own novels coming soon.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm going to end this final chapter with the photo that started this whole series! So let me know your favourite part and please do like this chapter!


Matilda Grace

The Gryffindor Gala | #DRAMIONE ✓Where stories live. Discover now