" Wake up!! Your almost late! "Mother shouted. She's my alarm clock everyday when I'm going to school, she does care for me very much, just like every other mother does. My father always leaves early for work. He works as an assistant or the right hand of the town's mayor but I don't know the reason why he leaves early.
"You'll be late! Be fast! " the alarm clock again.
"Okay ma!" Oh by the way my name is Sky Blue Quintan and I'm 15 yrs. old. I have sky blue hair and ocean blue eyes. My mother told me that my name was took from the time that I was born. Mother said that the time I was born the sky is very clear, no clouds covers the sky and that day the surroundings is covered with bluish fog that made everything blue in the human sight. I think I'm going to prepare for school, excuse me first. Wait! I'm talking to myself again and I'm excusing for myself! Anyways I should prepare for school.
Okay now I'm prepared. I always adore this blue bag that has 2 big pockets and 1 small pocket and a small pouch in each side. I think I'm ready to leave our house, well, our house is filled with pink furnitures and the wall is also pink. My room is the only place in the house that's not pink. It's filled with sky blue thingies, almost everything. I'm just wondering why mother loves pink, or maybe she just love it. I left our house and got to the marble brick sidewalk with lamp stalls on every side. I passed through many neat gardens of our town's houses then stopped infront of a sun-colored house with brown linings on each window and neatly arranged sunflowers across the fence when I reached it.
"Sky you're already there. Uhmm, just wait for me, I'm almost done. Just a second "John said from the window of his room and swiftly came infront of me.
"Sky! Sorry for the wait, I just overslept a little" John apologized.
"I can guess that without you telling me" I said.
" Really?" John said with a trembling voice.
"Yes, of course. Your gray hair isn't brushed. Your uniform is unbuttoned. Your shoelaces are untied, and your face looks like you just passed a great storm" I said with a mean voice.
" Oh no! I'm that awful? Wait, I'll just go back inside. Are you okay here? Do you want to go inside?" John proposed, troubled and gazed at his features.
" Okay, I'll just wait in your living room" I agreed. John rushed into their door and I just followed him to the pebble path from their garden into their house. Well, their home is different from ours. The walls are painted yellow and almost every furniture of theirs were made of wood, but it's not surprising because his father is a woodcrafter. His name is John Michael Austria it was driven from his grandfather whose name was Jonathan and he's fifteen yrs. old too. Their family is known for their woodcrafts as I can see on the writings and images hanging on their wall, but a picture of a girl dressed in a scarf with shining pink dress and a pink summer hat on top attracted me. She was his mother.
" Sky, let's go, I'm done. Do you think It's okay now?" John asked, actually, I often call John as JM.
" Much better " I answered kindly.
"Thank goodness, let's go. We're going to be late" JM said in relief and released a sigh.
" Your green eyes look cool, like dead moss" I adored.
" Bla. You always say that. C'mon lets drag our feet to school " John said with his left hand waving back. I think he's irritated when I said that his eyes are cool.

The Mission of Love: Magical Action!
FantasyA male teenager with a cryptic history of birth engaged in a perilous adventure with his friends. On their journey, they met a mysterious girl that asks help to reclaim their land, but their fates were twisted by this sacred mission and it turns o...