~~~~~~~Sky Blue Quintan~~~~~~~
" I am the only descendant of Lafora, the god that saved our land from the deviolas and Sky, you are the only descendant of god Alforo " Breanne said emotionlessly and everybody was caught in awe.
" Why would we believe that? You don't have enough evidence to make us believe everything that you have said " Ken said irritably and grimaced.
" I saved your life. Isn't it enough to make you believe all that I said? " Breanne asked, but her expression is blank.
" Ken, she's right. She saved our life, we should trust her. I believe all that you said " Shane stated " I owe you my life, Master Breanne. "
" Thank you but at this time we need to plan on how to defeat them Sky. But I didn't expect you to be that weak. You're a descendant of a god but your powers aren't hastened. You need to learn more about yourself and your magic " She stated. How can she say that! Me weak.
" Uhmm, maybe you're right, he's like a wimp sometimes " JM said and glanced at me with a teasing smile.
" Wow, thank you for your support " I said sarcastically and gave him an angry look.
" You're welcome " He said sarcastically and exchanged me with a bigger smile.
" But I think your powers will be hastened on our adventure " Breanne noted.
" I had many wounds from my previous battle that are unhealed, that's why I was weak that time " I said.
" Hmm, it could be the reason, yet it isn't an excuse. Being strong doesn't depend on your body alone. Your strength also depends on your mind, heart and faith. It is where you pull strength and gain perseverance from. Depending on your body alone is a wrong idea " Breanne stated. I can say that she's right. I let out a deep breath and focused on her explanations again.
" Before saying more unbelievable things like that. Why do you hide your face? " Alexandra asked.
" Okay then, I'll reveal my face, I'm just securing things " She answered and removed the mask from her face and showed her porcelain beauty. Then he removed the hood that's covering her face. She had wavy shiny red hair and glamorous red eyes. She's so beautiful. That's all I could say.
" JM! SKY! KEN! " Alexandra shouted. " I've been calling your names and you're not answering. What has gotten into your minds? "
" Umm, we're sorry. A star suddenly appeared infront of us. Right Ken and Sky? " JM apologized. She's also staring at Breanne.
" O-of course " I answered.
" Here we go again. You really are perverts " Alex said. Hey, we're not. She's just beautiful.
" There are more things that we should talk about later. You better take a rest right now and we'll clear things up after it " Breanne stated. Her eyes are sparkling even in this room with poor light.
" But it's much better if we talk about it right now " Alexandra said. Well, she's right.
" Okay then, I'll start on the bottom of everything " Breanne said " A long time ago the deviolas were so obsessed on taking on cities, towns and lands. It was there main goal. Deviolas tried to rule everything, until the gods stopped them. The gods and deviolas has great and overwhelming power but the gods rules everything. The deviolas won't win against the gods because they were too much used of their powers in conquering lands. It made them weak and they always retreat if they knew that the gods will attack. They repeated it,but once they tried to fight against the gods. And that's when they were defeated and thrown into prison. "

The Mission of Love: Magical Action!
FantasyA male teenager with a cryptic history of birth engaged in a perilous adventure with his friends. On their journey, they met a mysterious girl that asks help to reclaim their land, but their fates were twisted by this sacred mission and it turns o...