~~~~~~Third Person POV~~~~~~
Ray stood on the end of the stairway. The three hidden phrophecies on stance to seize him at any moment.
" State your name! " Allen demanded and Ray just laughed.
" You want to know my name!? Are you serious?! " Ray exclaimed and continued laughing. His laugh abruptly subsided and his joyous face turned into an atrocious one. " Let's make this quick. "
And with that, Ray disappeared from their view.
On the other side...
... When Paladin noticed their ground shook, he quickly jumped towards Breanne's direction with his hands reaching for her.Breanne's eyes widened when she was pushed out of the window by Paladin above her. They fell on the air, Breanne below Paladin.
Paladin took Breanne with his two arms and teleported on the road, rolling because of the falling force.
The road in their position was deserted of people and the noise was coming from the plaza.
Breanne quickly stood up, pushing Paladin away. " I need to make a diversion. " She stated and sighed deeply.
Paladin stood up, facing her back and just observed her.
" No need for that. " A voice from their backs made them turn. And their stood Akeela. Breanne gave him a rising confused brow. " An army of magicians are coming. Just focus on your plan. " Akeela stared and turned his gaze to Paladin that turned into a glare of hatred. Paladin just exchanged it with a smile. " I really hate perverts. " Akeela stated and shrugged in disgust.
Paladin stopped his laughter to burst out and kept still. " Let's go back. They need our help. " Breanne said and Paladin nodded.
" Wait! What am I gonna do!? " Akeela asked in hurry.
" Govern your army. " Breanne said and disappeared with Paladin.
Akeela growled in defeat and went to the plaza. He was then welcomed by outraging controlled citizens. " We can't control casualties after all. "
Distant mighty screams was then heard from the entrance of the plaza. The people turned their gazes to the upcoming army.
" Everybody! Defend the queen! " One of the men screamed and they rushed to the upcoming men. Akeela's face twitched.
" Really! You're defending a pitiful old lady! " Akeela exclaimed and went to his army. " Attack! " He ordered and the fight between the controlled citizens and Laurasia's army began. " Control the deaths as much as you can! "
On Breanne's side, she went back the stairway and went upstairs with Paladin on her back.
Ken and JM were fighting against three men in the corridor. " Hey, we need help here. " JM said sarcastically and pushed his enemy's sword out.
Breanne quickly rushed to him and magicked an ice dagger and stabbed it to his heart.
Ken was just leaping here and there to avoid the strikes of his opponent. At a sudden move, Ken stumbled and fell on the floor.
The men aimed their weapons to him, but before it happened, Paladin sliced their backs with his black sword from behind and they vanished into thin air.
" Need some help? " Paladin reached out his hand to Ken, and Ken accepted it. Ken stood with the help of Paladin.
Breanne and JM went to their direction. " One of them said that the emblem is in the hands of the deviola-girl. They said that she used to regain her strength and age. " JM explained while chasing his breath.

The Mission of Love: Magical Action!
FantasyA male teenager with a cryptic history of birth engaged in a perilous adventure with his friends. On their journey, they met a mysterious girl that asks help to reclaim their land, but their fates were twisted by this sacred mission and it turns o...