~~~~~~~Sky Blue Quintan~~~~~~~
After several days of traveling
and training we finally reached the Queeky Swamp. We really didn't teleport in that purpose. The demons didn't follow our tracks anymore. At first they were and we were having a hard time at getting away from them and, luckily their paths turned to somewhere else and we continued peregrinating.I learned basic sword skills and combat techniques while we were in pursuit, so as Alexandra and JM, they also learned new skills. I was fine in utilizing the sword, since it is guiding me unknowingly. The trident was very heavy to handle at first so I made many excercises to strengthen my muscles and to make them easy to be used and the staff, I really thought it was just a normal wood, so I tried to break it by hitting a rock and I bounced back by the grove I made and fire spread throughout our vicinity and I almost got Alexandra's hair burned. Fortunately, JM was beside her and managed to kill the fire before it burned Alexandra's hair. It took me almost a day until Alexandra forgave me for what I did.
The swamp is surrounded with large dark oak trees, with vines hanging on each branch. The water is dark, just like a swamp water does.
We're here in a small hill in the middle of the waters of the swamp that is not able to be bathe by the sun's light because of the large canopies that are covering, and right now we're sitting and eating fruits. I am munching a grape, one by one. JM is eating bananas in his hooded black shirt and slacks. Alexandra is munching an orange in her red t-shirt and jeans. Breanne is eating an apple in her red shirt in her red jacket and in her short white skirt with red edges on the end. No wonder she like red a lot.
I took a look at my bag and saw a few food supplies left. This is going to last for one day alone. We need to find more rations as soon as possible.
I munched the last grape that is left and stared back at the three that are also finished eating.
" The shrine is just right there. We must pace fast so that we'll have enough time to gather more food. Our storage would run out sooner or later " Breanne just stated blankly, took her backpack and started walking down through the water covered ground, just able to cover our foot that are accompanied by slippers. We just followed her trek down the small hill.
We passed many eels and snakes while we are walking through the depths of this swamp. No one would ever dare to come in this place. I never knew this place either. This place is occupied with crickets or whatever creatures that's making some aggravating noise. The wind is too cold, and that's the reason why I wore this dark blue jacket and this green sleeve. This place is very bleak.
" Wait, what is the name of that shrine that we're into Breanne? " I asked abruptly. It just appeared in my head and I just let it out of my mouth.
" It is not a shrine Sky, it is a stronghold " Breanne said and it... caught... me... off... guard. A STRONGHOLD?!!
" WHAT!? " JM uttered in disbelief and his voice filled the swampy forest. All of us halted in agape when Breanne said it " We're going to enter a stronghold? And you're just telling it to us right NOW!? " Like, she said earlier that it was a shrine and now she's telling us that it is a stronghold
" Don't worry, we can surpass their defense. That stronghold has only one guard, Sky and I will be able to defeat him. So you don't need to freak out " Breanne stated blankly. I really thought that it was a stronghold with many men on guard ready to seize us anytime and kill us.
" Wait, what do you mean you and Sky can defeat him alone. What about us? Aren't we gonna fight against that guard? " JM asked with a tone of being insulted. Maybe he's just searching for some action.

The Mission of Love: Magical Action!
FantasyA male teenager with a cryptic history of birth engaged in a perilous adventure with his friends. On their journey, they met a mysterious girl that asks help to reclaim their land, but their fates were twisted by this sacred mission and it turns o...