chapter 1

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I found myself in my room in complete and utter darkness. Not just the lights of, but full blackness in closing me in a cocoon of darkness, so deep I couldn’t even see my fingertips, and yet I had never been so aware of everything, every single detail of my room was alive. It’s one of the perks of my powers.

“Hey talk about see no evil will you turn on the lights in here.” Dusk said trying for a joke and not succeeding. With a wave of my hand the room dulled and dusk turned and left the room. I lazily pushed myself into a sitting position facing the doorway wherein my black-T and jeans.

 It was my favourite time of day, noon. My dark brown hair a mild mess from lying in bed so long but I didn’t mind, it would take me a while to get ready anyway, to me I had plenty of time but tell that to my sister who is a huge drama queen and is always fussy. Well me and Dusk, we are nothing alike and yet we get along really well and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We love our powers and it’s the same with our friends Mark, Zoe, Brad and Zac.

We all met at our special home school, when I was 4 years old. Zoe, we met later when I was 12. Zac said that she was really shy and went to a special school by herself and that she made only two friends, whom she never talked about or ever brought home.

Our gang is really close, we’ve been friends for ages, and even though Dusk may not want to admit it, were like a big family, and all of us have a sibling. Which I think is a pretty funny coincidence. Mark and Brad are brother’s (the too nothing alike) and Zoe is Zac’s younger sister.

I stumbled out of bed and walked to my cupboard and started looking first draw, no second draw, no third, yes I had found what I was looking for. I walked into my on sweat and put on my midnight black long-sleeved shirt. It had lose cuffs with a deep blue trim and from my waistline to halfway down my thigh it was lose and flimsy, matched with a dark blue pair of jeans nearly black. As I brushed my hair and put it up half up half down I wondered how tonight would play out and hoping the movie that we were going to see would be any good.

I wandered down the stairs, my black lace up high heel boots clinking lightly on the wooden surface. I walked into the lounge room and saw dad sitting on the grey couch, pasty from all the years we had had it. “Hi. You look nice for someone who only got up about five minutes ago so where are you going this time” he said clearly suspicious by my somewhat transformation from bed ridden to party worthy.

“I’m going out with Dusk and Zoe, were going to Christo’s Palace for dinner and we might meet up with Mark there and then going to see a movie after and if you must know it ends at 9:30” I said already halfway out the door. I was not going to stay in there and listen to him go on and on about how Dusk and I are always going out and are never at home all afternoon just because he lonely.

“Just remember I’m going to pick you up at 10:00 I don’t want you out to late I’ll meet you out the front of the theatre bye” Dad called after me. Well that put a damper on things I so can’t wait until my birthday so I can finally turn 18 and Dusk and I will be able to do what we want with more freedom I thought.

When I hoped into the car Dusk was already inside and Zoe was at the weal ready to go. I buckled up as we started pulling out onto the road heading to Christo’s palace. “So how come you took so long did dad want to know where we were going?” Dusk asked

“Yes and Dad is going to pick us up at the theatre at 10:00” I said simply.

By the time we got there Mark had arrived, the sun was just beginning to set the light making his blond hair shine golden. Next to his metallic blue car his jumper and the small part of his cream-T that was showing under it really suited him. Under the bottom of his jeans the tip of cream once white shoes poked out making him look athletic. His face had the same coy smile, as always.

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