Fast times when the rip tide's high

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The guys minus Johnny where out surfing and I was over at the junior staff house dropping off my mascara for Lo. "hey look what i swiped from bummers desk you didn't tell me you where a champion surfer" Emma said "oh no" I said "don't worry I won't tell Finn or Reef they get too competitive" She said "thanks for mascara" Lo said. After she applied the makeup we went outside to say hello to the guys Finn was sitting on the couch "what were you girls talking about" she said "oh nothing, your wearing your bikini?" Emma questioned "I ran out of clean undies" Finn said "hasn't anyone shouted you the staff laundry hut" Johnny said walking out after us. "Yeah but I hate doing laundry I've decided I'm going to live in my bikini" Finn said "that's kind of gross" Lo said "yeah do you know how may bacteria is going to be on that bikini" I said.

"All staff Members too the locker room now" Baumer said over the loud speakers. We all went to the locker room I was in my uniform ready to work "listen up two announcements today first of all yesterdays staff evaluations have come in and I have to say one thing are you all zombies did I accidentally hire the walking dead, "Kelly 7, Zack 3, Emma 4, Lo 6, Rosie 3, Johnny 7, Reef 9 out of ten not bad, Finn 6" Baumer said then he got to me "Alex 10 out of 10 as always" he said smiling "oh yeah 10 out of 10 I'm the queen of the staff evaluations" I said "I must say it's encouraging to see your taking guest feedback so seriously" he said "thank you sir, are you going to tell the staff the other announcement?" I asked "oh yeah Alex and I have a day off today so Kelly is in charge" he said everyone gasped and Kelly smiled "I promise to look after the hotel while your relaxing" Kelly said. I let out a girly squeel a whole day just him and me.

We changed into our casual clothes it was the first time I saw him wearing casual clothes in years "so what to do first" Andrew asked once we were alone at the office "I could teaching you more about surfing" I said he smiled "that's a good idea and then after we can have a picnic see the basket is even air tight and water proof" Andrew said and took the spare board. We got up on the boards and i showed him how to do a few tricks. A wave washed the picnic basket into the ocean and he was in the water after wiping out so he got it just in time putting it on his surfboard. I got off my board "a good trick when surfing is learning to hold your breath for a long time" I said "easy I used to have contests with my brother" he said letting out a small laugh and went underwater. I went under too and held my breath we stuck it out for about 2 minutes before coming back up for air at around the same time "I totally beat you" I said "that's the least of our problems land is far away" he said "what" i said I looked around and saw he was right "I think we drifted it's ok let's just swim to shore" I said he nodded as we paddled in on our boards the picnic still on his.

~meanwhile with Lo~
Lo was on the phone Kelly wouldn't stop hounding her and she knew she had to impress her dad so her and her sister could go back to the pent house. She was arranging a vintage surf board tour to set up at the hotel she then went to tell her parents the god news "that was one great putt honey" her father said "Lo honey guess what I got a buger" her mum said "boagie honey" her father corrected "right and look pink club covers I just wish your sister was here isn't is supposed to be her day off today" her mum said "that's great mum I'm sure she's just busy, hey dad guess who just snagged the vintage surf board tour" Lo said "that's a very prestigious collection" her dad said "yes and the best part I purged it from the gran whiley huly huly Milton" Lo said "a better show and were sticking it to my biggest rival I am really impressed" her dad said "eeh thanks daddy" she said.

Johnny advertised the show on the website "since I've advertised the show we got book out for the rest of the week" Johnny said "eeh my sis and I are so back in the penthouse" Lo said "where is Alex?" Johnny asked "I don't know it's her day off she's probably that the spa or something" Lo said. She went with Emma and Broseph to find Alex but hey got distracted by the boards and Lo got distracted by the teenager boy responsible for them so she left Emma in charge and went for a relax by the pool with him. Finn was stuck cleaning rooms all day since it was so busy and reef conducting surf lessons of corse he snuck away to look at the boards.

~back with Alex and Andrew ~
we got onto the island "hello anywhere here" Andrew called out "our own island cool" I said "uh Alex where stranded we need to build a fire make a shelter and find water luckily we have food" Andrew said. "I'll go look for coconuts the water in them can sustain us" I said "ok I'm make a fire with this driftwood" Andrew said. I found a tree with coconuts on it and was able to climb it easily getting down was the hard part i fell down and sprained my ankle "ow" I cried out in pain "ALEX" Andrew said running to where i was "good news I got coconuts bad news your going to have to make the shelter" I said limping.

He helped me to where the fire was and started on the shelter I was able to gather a few bits of driftwood and soon the shelter was built

He helped me to where the fire was and started on the shelter I was able to gather a few bits of driftwood and soon the shelter was built

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he opened the picnic basket which had a blanket in it which is put onto of the sand in the shelter as a makeshift bed. We sat down on the blanket the shelter was in front of the fire so it was warm

~back with Lo ~
Lo And the boy were by the pool still "have you seen Alex and Bummer?" Emma asked "it's there day for but I haven't seen them anywhere which is strange" Johnny said "they are totally dating" Emma squealed and called Lo "Alex and Bummer are totally dating" Emma said "My sister and Bummer eww" Lo said making barfing nosies "give me all the details" she said running inside "relax all we know is they are both mia" Johnny said. Brospeh and the guests were admiring the boards "what did you say about your sister and Andrew" her father asked "it's there day off" Lo said hiding the fact they could be dating from her father who would freak out and fire Andrew on the spot.
"I'm proud of you for setting this up" her father said. Lo went to the spa with the boy and Emma left to pee when she got back the most expensive board in the show was missing. Emma had a theory where it was and they went down to the beach where they saw Broseph surfing it.

~back with Alex and Andrew~
I sat with Andrew for the rest of the afternoon talking and eating the picnic food which was sandwiches, chips, chocolate covered strawberries and two cupcakes "and the entire meal is eggless since I know your allergic" he said "I can't believe you remembered that I had a egg allergy" I said "of course I wouldn't want you to get sick" he said. we ate the savouries and then decided to relax and look at the stars as we ate our desert, he fed me a chocolate covered strawberry "you know I miss the hotel but being stuck here with you isn't so bad we have our own beach a nice set up" Andrew said "our surf boards, plenty of coconuts a supply of fish if we really need it, not that I eat meat but life or death right" I said I rested my head on his shoulder and he put an arm around me "still if were going to die it would be nice to kiss someone" Andrew said nervously wiping some chocolate off my lip I blushed "it would be a nice first kiss under the stars after having a beautiful picnic on the beach" i said as he leaned in to kiss me our lips connected and it was life fireworks were going off. "Oh my god" a voice said we pulled apart quickly and he stood up he helped me stand. I saw Emma Lo and Broseph as well as a guy I didn't know heading towards us luckily they didn't see the kiss as they were to far away "Alex" Lo said hugging me "did you get stranded too" Andrew asked "no we just came down to get the duke board" Broseph said "you mean the hotel is nearby?" I asked "ten minutes that away" Emma said pointing "where home where saved" Andrew And I said hugging each other happily "I have no idea what they are saying but they are totally dating" Emma said "stop saying that your grossing me out" Lo said

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