Hang 10/10

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Finn Emma and I were surfing early before work we were currently teaching Emma how to crossstep she fell off but she was doing good for a first timer then I saw Brospeh and Reef on the beach.

"Alexandra and Fin. thought me to crossstep arent they amazing" Emma said
"I've seen better" reef said
"Look who finally dragged their butt out of bed tough day on the beach yesterday?" Finn asked
"Actually yes teaching cookes and tourists all day is harder than it looks" Reef said
"Yeah surf instructor is right up their with Alaskan crab fisherman on the tough job scale" Finn said sarcastically
"At a beach resort im an essential service on call 24/7 and I don't get a day off" Reef said
"Try being assistant manager or manger then you'll know what stress is" i said
"I could your job in my sleep wale up and still kick your but on the waves" Finn said
"You talk about my butt a lot I think you like it" Reef teased
"It's a good butt " Broseph said
Emma and I just looked at Broseph weirded out
"Whatever I could not care less about your stinky butt" Finn said
"Oh yeah here I go excellent butt watching opportunity" Reef said going into surf
Finn glanced at Reef
"Huh caught you" Reef said
"I was not watching your butt" Finn protested

Reef went for surf but wiped out and hit a boat, he limped onto shore screaming about his little toe
"My toe it's bent the wrong way don't look it's hideous" Reef said
"Don't be such a baby" Finn said
Brospeh touched it and Reef screamed
"It's definitely broken" Brospeh said
"I'm crippled half a man" Reef whined
"Get a grip it's only your baby toe" I said
"Do you know what this means I can't hang ten I can only hang nine" Reef whined

Reef ended up going to the emergency room at the hospital and still wasn't back yet it was cutting into his shift
"Johnny is Reef back from the ER yet?" I asked
"Nope sorry" Johnny said
"Hey front desk guy there's a line of people at the shack that actually want to learn how to surf where's the instructor" Andrew said angrily walking in
"Reef hurt himself he's at the ER" I said
"WHAT" Andrew said angrily

Reef came in on crutches and a cast on his foot
"Please tell me this is one of your little employee jokes" Andrew said
"Unfortunately no sir" I said
"Doctor told me to take it easy so I get a week off" Reef said
Reef handed in a doctors note and he sighed
"Great where am I supposed to find a replacement surf instructor in short notice" Andrew said

"I'll do it" i said excitedly
"But your already assistant manager" Andrew said
"Exactly And im the junior Canadian champion in surfing, I can do the surf lessons in the day time and then do all the paperwork as overtime without pay of course since you will only have to pay me for one job not both, and as far as talking to employees on the walkie talkie and answering phone calls Johnny directs our way I'll just wear a water proof ear piece connected to the walkie talkies" I said
"Hmm twice the work and half the pay your up, Reef your on sick leave until your toe heels" Andrew said
"I won't let you down Mr Baumer" I said
"Your first lesson starts in ten minutes" he said walking of with his clipboard

I went and changed into my bikini and then tested the ear piece "Mr Baumer can you here me" I said "it's working on my end" He said "Johnny how about you" I asked "yep" he said "Emma Lo?" I said "don't talk so loud I'm getting a massage owe that's hot oh no kelly caught me got to go" Lo said "Finn" I said "she's not talking to you because you stole the surf instructor replacement job from her" Rosie said

I went out onto the beach to see a fat guy and a skinny guy waiting for lessons. "Ok let's practice standing on your boards" I said the fat guys board sunk into the sand.

~an hour and a half of surf lesson later~
"This It paddle paddle not get up on your boards you can do it hula hands yeah your surfing" I said encouragingly as they surfed the waves "Alex reef has been bothering Finn and I can you just do something about it" Johnny said threw the speaker "yes Johnny send him my way" I said "he just headed into the dining room I'll radio Lo and Emma to send him to you" Johnny said. I hung up and looked at my students who were just reaching shore"can you maybe show us some surf moves" The skinny man asked "Ok but don't ty any of these your not ready yet" I said.

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