Bored and Cofused

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Warning Sexual references

Alexandra's POV
I woke up early Andrew was already up and dressed he was adjusting his collar making sure it was spotless and brushing his hair making sure there was not a strand out of place "come on assistant manager time to get up" he said cheerfully. "Good morning Andrew" I said yawning and stepping out of bed I made my bed and fluffed my pillow "oh in the work place you have to call me sir or Mr Baumer ok" he told me "yes Mr Baumer" I said. He went out so I could get changed I got into a pale green dress with purple flowers and went downstairs "ok seriously this place needs an organization stat" I said looking around at the mess Rosie and Zack created "i keep telling them to clean up but they never listen" he says sighing.

I went over to the junior staff house to check on my sister and make sure she was ready for work she had just woken up and was walking around half asleep with a sleep mask on her head. "Well if it isn't little miss rich girls sister" Kelly said glaring at me "hey she's my sister too lay of her" Ty said "so Kelly no hard feelings about kicking you out" I said outstretching a band for her to shake. She crossed her arms "apology not accepted" she said.

Lo came out groaning "Listen up groms you are about to embark on a journey that every new employee at sunset beach must face grom initiation" Ripper said "but I have to get to work mr Baumer said i need.." I said in a small voice "don't worry we're going to explain what's going on then you can get to work" Johnny said cutting me off. Lo started walking to go back to bed "where do you think your going" Ripper asked "I don't actually work here I'm going back to bed" she said then she stopped too here them out "until 6:00 tonight your ours if you run we'll find you if you resist you'll only make it worse you will do whatever a senior tells you to do today yes even you Alex if one of us tells you to bark you say" Kelly said "woof" Broseph replied "if ones of us tells you to jump you say" Kelly said "oh I know woof" wipeout said "this is bogus what are you going to do if we don't do what you say fire us, give us a strike" Reef asked "no but if you make it threw you get to surf the office" Ty said "as in the greatest surf spot on the island?" I asked "no way I herd it was just an urban legend" Finn said "no I read about it it's supposed to be the perfect break but almost no one knows where it is" Emma said "only those who pass the test get to see it, it won't be easy and it will be gross if anyone wants to back out now is your chance" Ripper said. Nobody backed out even though I was a little scared in fact too scared to say no and the seniors went to surf.

I went to punch in to work seeing as I had to work earlier than everyone else Andrew way typing up his desk when I knocked on the door "Mr Baumer sir I'm here" i said "good Alexandra now I will get you your uniform and show you too your office" he said standing up he opened the door next to his office "this is your new office right next door to mine feel free to personalize your desk and closet anyway you like" he said it was small and only had a wooden desk a computer chair a Mac desktop computer and a telephone. "Thank you sir" I said smiling "and if I need you or you need me contact me on this" he said handing me a walkie talkie I nodded and he brought me down to the change room to hand me my outfit.

Bummers POV
I was arranging my desk nervously how would I cope working with all these groms they were already driving me crazy especially Reef. I went into my closet and looked at my Noah Little shine well it was mostly Noah Little I had also started a Alexandra Ridgemount shrine so far only having a photo of me and the Ridgemount family when we were younger and a few surf magazines she was in as a young teen.

I closed the cupboard when I herd her knock and call my name dammit I better look like im busy. I moved a few things into place when she opened the door.

After showing her to her office I took her to get her uniform what i didn't know was as part of grom initiation her brother put her shirt in the wash shrinking it by one size and he cut her skirt so it was a mini skirt he also swapped her shoes for strapless heels and added an item. When she put it on and came out in front of me and her brother i gasped, her purple work shirt was incredibly tight on her hugging her figure a few of the buttons of the shirt coming undone to reveal her ample cleavage, her skirt so short i could see her panties if she bent over she was also wearing black see threw stocking with little ruffles and black strapless shoes. It was so professional yet so revealing and naughty I couldn't help getting a hard on which I thankfully hid with my clipboard "what do you think Andrew" Ty said laughing "I..i think" I stammered trying to find the right words

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