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I could not stop thinking about my kiss with Arsen.

Now, obviously it wasn't going to be something I was going to forget anytime soon, or like ever, but the fact that it wouldn't allow me to go to sleep despite how exhausted I felt was an issue.

It wouldn't be that far of a reach to say that I tried everything, everything to shut off that part of my brain, at least temporarily, but my efforts were useless.

When I got tired of tossing and turning in my bed for the first few hours, I decided that delving into one of the many TV shows in my Netflix queue would be enough to distract me. That didn't work either so I walked around the perimeter of my house to wear myself out, which only resulted in another failure.

Eventually I ended up lying on my closet floor just staring up at the ceiling and accepting that my fate for the rest of the night would be going over ever minuscule detail of Arsen's lips on mine.

I could still feel his lips on mine. Could still feel his hands caressing my cheeks, and how my heart was so close to bursting when he continues to kiss me over and over again after we pulled away the first time. He obviously didn't want to let me go, and I couldn't say I didn't feel the same way.

I smiled a little as I stroked the material of my now soiled dress that I had traded in for silk pajamas. It might sound silly and dramatic, but I honestly couldn't bear to hang the gown up. It was as if holding onto it was holding onto the night that was slipping away as the hours flew by.

I just didn't want to leave the best moment of my life. I couldn't.


My eyes, that were still trained on the chandelier hanging above me, moved to the closet door to see Inez there wearing a confused look on her face.


"Are you okay? What's wrong?" She stepped further into the closet. "Why are you lying on the floor?"

"I'm just committing the best night I've had in my eighteen years on this Earth to my memory bank," I sighed, shutting my eyes and pressing my dress to my cheek.

"I see," she said. "So, I take it you had fun at the dance."

"Fun doesn't even describe it. It was a life changing, Earth shattering, universe bending experience. Honestly this is my peak. It's all downhill from here."

Inez laughed. "Please tell me you haven't been here all night."

"Well, I laid down here at around one o'clock in the morning...what time is it now?"

"9 AM."

"Then I've been here all night," I sat up and grinned at her. "I told Arsen how I felt about him."

"And I guess you got the reaction you wanted," she smiled.

"Yes, I did! Oh, I don't know what I was so worried about. I mean, come on it's me. Juliet Harrington. I'm irresistible."

"I'm glad it all worked out, sweetheart. You see what happens when you're honest and sincere?"

"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. The next twenty four hours are kind of imperative to our entire relationship. If he doesn't call me we're back to square one. Actually, we're at the negative one hundred square."

"Why don't you call him, Juliet?"

I stared at her for a few moments in silence, then I realized she was being serious.

"Because me calling him would be extremely desperate, Inez. Especially since I was the one who initiated the talk about feelings. Do you really expect me to do everything?"

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