chapter 1

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock urging me to get up and prepare for school.
My dad is a popular enterpreneur so he move from place to place. It's annoying that every time I have to adapt to the sorrounding and people and if I eventually get used to them my mom will tell me to start packing that it's time to move.

            So my mom came to my and asked me if I was ready for school and groaned and got up and went to bath. I sluggishly dressed up and went downstairs to have my breakfast then my lousy brother Karan ran to the dinning room and started role-playing a super hero and splashed milk allover my favorite shirt and as I wanted to hit him my mom loudly told me not to so I screamed and ran to my room to change. Then I went back downstairs afterwards. So my mom pecked us and we went to school. As I got to the new school my heart started to beat fast then a girl walked up to me and said "welcome to Western high, I am Michaela and you are" then I replied my name is "Katherine but you can call me kate." She replied "cute name,well let me escort you to the class I know first days are tough but with me you can get through with it" "then I smiled then confidently followed her so she took her seat and I wanted to take a sit right next to her as I sat a perky girl walked up to me and said " your on my sit get up " then I said " pardon me ? " Then she said " I don't talk much let me rather do this " she went behind me an flipped the chair over then I fell then I stood up and sat behind mackaela then I heard a voice by my side that said " sorry for that, she always act like that but you will surely get is to it " then I said turned to see who talk I saw a blonde handsome blue- eyed guy he now said " my name is Jace what's yours" I literally froze and stammered k-a-te and he smiled at me and said"that's a nice name"then after a few minutes the teacher came in and said"Good morning class I guess we have a new student why don't u come up and introduce your self" so I stood up and went to the front of the class then I said " well my name is Katherine mattews but you can call me kate I am originally from Kansas  but I moved to new Jersey cause of my dad" then the the teacher said well moss mattews I am Mrs Nicole welcome to Western high I will be taking you in history, so you may have your sit" so I went back to my sit then the teacher said " today we will be talking about Mohandas ghandi , so your assignment,write a 15 page essay on ghandi to be submitted on Friday " then Jace said " oh man I don't know how I will do this" then I said " why don't I help you" then he said thanks and he winked at me and left then during lunch he sat with me and we talked all through after lunch he followed me to class then he excorted me home so I got to my room and started the project then mackaella came to my house to see how I was doing then I told her about what happened I with me and Jace she now sait "wow your lucky to be hanging out with a guy like Jace I am proud of you girl" then I smiled.

             The next day he came to me and said " morning how was your night" then I said "fine" then he told me that later I should come and meet him that he has something important to talk to me about then I blushed and agreed immediately without thinking. Then I rushed up all my activities and I couldn't concentrate well in class it got to a point that I was day dreaming about what he wanted to talk
To me about during chemistry class. As Mr Miller was teaching, he realized I wasn't concentrated the he called my name 3 times " MISS MATTEWS" I didn't hear untill Michaela turned and taped me then he called my up to write ten chemical compound well luckily I knew it so I was able to write it so I went back to my sit hoping for the Bell to ring to my favourite 2 minutes later the Bell rang and I rushed off to my locker then he came to me and said hey and he smiled then I froze again I literally did not hear anything he said I just began to nod my head then he said " why don't you help me with these assignments then I noted my head and opened my mouth almost drulling then he stretched his arms and gave me the assignment's and I collected it and put it in my locker then went back to class after school I packed all the books and went home, I got home and quickly started the assignments then I finished two out of three so I got tiered and went to sleep then I got woken up by a loud noise I jumped up and saw the glass clock that was on my table on the floor broken then I saw Karan with the assignments in the toilet trying to clean the stain he made on it with tissues then the paper eventually tore, I was filled with rage and anger then I told him "CAN YOU DO A DAY WITHOUT BUGGING ME, YOU KNOW WHAT GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND STAY OUT OF MY LIFE UGGGH" Karan now replied " sheesh okay okay I am going sorry" so I had to start the assignments all over again. When I finished I kept it my my back pack then went downstairs to eat then my mom looked at me with her disappointment face and said " honey, what you said to you brother was not fair" then I whined " but her broke my stuff" then my mom said "even though, he is your younger brother , you are meant to be the responsible one I am very dissapointed" then she left.

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