Chapter 1 : A Cute Little Puppy

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         Yugi's POV
Another boring lonely day at school he said out loud without noticing. I wonder what's for breakfast? He Slowly walked Down the stairs thinking what will happen today...  he was so lost in thought that he accidentally stubbed his toe in the chair, he hissed in pain luckily he was alone so no one could see how embarrassing that was. He made bacon and eggs he noticed that school would start in about 10 minutes. So he quickly gobbled his food and booked it to school on the he saw a little "puppy out in the road. He saw how scared the poor little "puppy" was so he quickly scooped up the "puppy" and plopped him into his bag.

He was about 30 seconds late. And got in trouble "seriously" he thought angrily. He sat down in the back row second from the window. He heard a cry from the "puppy" only he could hear so he quietly shushed the puppy

   (After School)
Yugi started walking when he was halfway home he got pulled to the side. It was the bully's again he thought the leader said he was going to go first. The leader punched him in the gut which made him fall on his knees. A few more kicks and punches went by then he blacked out.

("Puppy POV)
Poof puppy turns into a human a strong and he looked just like Yugi but the guy few differences were the tips Yugi's was violet when his was more of a reddish. Yugi's eyes were more of a purple and Yami Sennens Were A nice crimson. He stood up and kicked the leader and it sent the gang leader flying. All of them got scared and ran.

Yugi's POV
I woke up and found my "Puppy" licking me.
I wondered what had happened

To be continued...

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