Chapter 5~ Welcome to the Edge

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                    Blinky POV

'Great, this is just great Argh is still on that ship and I'm only Merlin knows where!!' After a lot of flying the cage landed on a island that the humans keep calling "The Edge". "Now we've all had a long night so let's leave it in the stable for now and we'll examine it in the morning " the leader said. They put my cage inside of the "stables" as well as the other dragons except the black one. When ever one was finally asleep I decided to make my move. I opened the door slowly and made my way towards the exit. I was almost there until I slipped on a puddle causing me to slip and hit the floor hard. "Ow" I said as I looked at the now awake dragons."Hello there wow you're all quite marvelous creatures aren't you" I said waiting for impact. But fortunately for me the dragons stable doors were locked... well all except the blue one's door. The dragon pronounced on me make me confined to the floor. "Get off of me you over sized iguana!!!" I commanded. "Stormfly ? How did you get out and what is that ?" said the young blonde girl. 'Great my cover is about to be blown now I really have to get out of here.' I took that moment and apprehended the dragon and started to run towards the exit buts that's when I found out why it's called the Edge. Luckily I didn't fall off and started to running the opposite direction. That's when that black dragon blocked my way and fire one of his blasts at me. "Toothless no!!!" said the brown headed boy. But the dragon still fired the blast and it hit me right on the head, knocking me out.

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