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The Geminis

Her hair was messy and her body felt sticky with sweat. She needed to shower and change her clothes. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since she stopped at a gas station nearly 16 hours ago and bought a cheap slice of pizza. She needed to shower, change her clothes, and then get something to eat.

She looked in the bathroom to see a toilet, sink, shower (complete with a colorful curtain, adding some pop to the nearly all white room), and a stack of white towels sitting on a small wall hung shelf. Olivia picked up the tote bag that she had thrown on the floor, kicked her shoes off into the corner of the room, and went into the bathroom. She turned the shower on as hot as it could go, and instantly steam filled the room. She undressed and wiped the condensation off of the full body mirror hanging on the door. She ran her fingers gently along the scar that wrapped around her torso. It was like poison to her eyes.

While Olivia stepped into the shower, 8 rooms away, Dylan stepped into the motel office. "Hey, Emma. Is Norma around?"

Emma looked up at him, smiled, and shook her head. "You just missed her. She had to go into town for something."

Dylan nodded. "Okay. When she gets back, will you let her know that there's a package for her sitting on the kitchen counter?"


He gave her the signature Dylan Massett half-smile, and turned around to go. He was planning on spending the day getting some quality entertainment. Girls and beer. Emma tapped her fingers on the desk and felt a surge of regret as he started to leave. She saw this as her shot to ask, so before he could open the door, she quickly spit out, "Hey Dylan.. do you know an Olivia?"

It caught him off guard. Nobody had mentioned that name to him in years. Norma certainly didn't talk about her, and Norman did (or didn't do) whatever his mother did. She was a taboo subject in the Bates household. Dylan turned around quickly, raised an eyebrow, and eyed Emma suspiciously. He wanted to know why she was asking before he answered. "Maybe. Why?"

"One just checked in." Emma looked over the paper that Olivia had handed her with her information on it. Immediately, she remembered Dylan's last name. "Her last name is Massett, and I thought you guys might be related."

Dylan felt his face go slightly numb. "Um, I don't know an Olivia. Just a coincidence," he stumbled over his words.

"Oh, okay." Emma was disappointed. She was hoping that there would be some sort of juicy backstory for her to sink her teeth into. The Bates family always had some sort of drama floating around them, whether it was with the town or with themselves. Norma and Norman had been known to have their spats.

In a nervous habit, Dylan ran a hand through his hair and clicked his feet together. "Can you not mention this to my mom?"

Emma tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "She owns the motel, Dylan, she's bound to know all of the guests names." Curious. Why would it matter if Norma knew about their guest unless they somehow knew each other? She sensed bad blood.

"Please, Emma?"

It would probably prove to be somewhat impossible, but she promised him anyways. Emma sighed and nodded quickly. "I'll do my best."

"Out of curiosity, what's her room number?"


"Thanks." Dylan turned on his heel with such urgency and excitement that he forgot to shut the office door. He was headed to knock on Room 8's door. Emma placed a hand on her cheek and leaned on the desk. Olivia Massett. The words were there, clearly, in ink. He obviously knew her. That much had been made clear. But how? A sister? Nobody had ever mentioned one. A cousin, maybe.

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