day two hundred and three

233 11 0

my wrists hurt...ouch.

father says he'll find a way to get rid of them. he says he'll find something special for me in order to get rid of these cuts that i bestow upon myself. my pale arms are littered with these angry red lines, and people assume that they're just from the many surgeries i had to repair my broken bones. they're not, really.

kirishima and kaminari really get along well...i'm jealous. why can't you and i be like that, kacchan? it hurts me to know that you'll never like me that way, despite that night that we spent together quite a while ago. do you remember that night at all? well? do you? you know what, nevermind. i don't think my feelings ever mattered to you anyway.

father requests my presence. i'll be right back! bye diary!


Izuku has uploaded something on the Instagram page! Why not check it out and attempt to deciper its meaning?

Username: the_swan_dive

Remember that this is an interactive story. Characters who post can 'see' any comments or reactions to their picture. This might lead to a significant change in the story line which affects the outcome. Your choices decides a positive or negative ending.

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