Chapter 17

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Jungkook smashed his lips against Jimin's soft, plump ones, making the shorter male gasp. It wasn't long before they started making out in the middle of the living room. Jungkook didn't really care that they were doing something so vulgar in broad daylight. He just wanted to savour the feeling of his lips on Jimin's.

Jimin on the other hand, completely tensed up once he felt Jungkook's lips on his. He didn't hate the kiss as much as he initially thought he would. In fact, it was addicting to him. It was his first kiss, which meant it was pretty awkward. He gladly followed Jungkook's steps, not realizing how his temperature was rising until he was sweating.

He subconciously pulled Jungkook closer to him, if it was even possible to be closer than they already were. His hands snaked their way into Jungkook's soft, black locks of hair. Jimin was running out of hair, but he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was Jungkook and only Jungkook.

Yuta walked inside with Sicheng, arm around the taller male's waist. He cringed immediately when he saw Jungkook and Jimin making out in broad daylight and covered Sicheng's eyes. He snapped a photo of them before coughing loudly. "We do not want to see the two of you making out right in front of our faces. Please go to your room if you'd like to continue." Yuta said in a deep voice, starting the two males and making Sicheng giggle quietly.

Jimin flushed immediately and pushed Jungkook away. The taller hybrid just smirked in triumph, making Yuta cringe even harder than he already was. "Last time I checked, you two weren't the only people living in here. For the sake of the people around you, just stick to making out in your bedroom." Yuta continued, removing his hands from Sicheng's eyes.

"It's not like I haven't seen people making out before." Sicheng muttered to himself quietly, not knowing that Yuta heard him. "My pure Sicheng is soiled!" Yuta cried dramatically, dropping onto his knees. "Which one of you soiled my pure Sicheng?!" He yelled, pointing at everyone in the room except him and Sicheng.

Jinyoung and Taehyun, who both entered the room for some water, left as soon as Yuta started accusing people of soiling Sicheng. Before Yuta could have another episode, Jimin interrupted him. "So..... who wants some ice cream?" He asked, purposely trying to distract Yuta. He watched as Sicheng perked up as soon as he heard ice cream, making him internally coo.

He went to the kitchen, pulling out two tubs of different flavoured ice cream. "We only have Vanilla Bean and Coffee flavoured ice cream. Choose one." Jimin said, opening lids. "I'll take the Vanilla Bean flavoured ice cream." Yuta replied, scooping out big dollop of ice cream. Yuta went to the kitchen and washed another spoon, scooping out another big dollop of the Coffee flavoured ice cream. He handed it to Sicheng, making the human's eyes sparkle.

Before they had to witness Yuta cuddling with Sicheng, Jimin scooped out two big dollops of Vanilla Bean ice cream and handed it to Jungkook. He pulled Jungkook by his sleeve until they were in their bedroom, not giving the hybrid a chance to actually eat the ice cream. Jimin sighed once he got to their bedroom.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the shorter male. "Did you really have to pull me all the way upstairs just to see you sigh and plop onto the bed?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. Jimin grabbed the spoon Jungkook was holding and took a bite out of the ice cream. "You should be thanking me. Otherwise, we might actually be seeing the couple downstairs cuddling. Maybe even making out on the couch with sticky, melted ice cream all over each other." Jimin shuddered at the thought of it.

Jungkook took a bite out of the ice cream, licking the spoon clean to purposely irritate Jimin. "Not you too!" He yelled, playfully slapping Jungkook's arm. Jungkook simply let out a cute cackle, continuing to tease Jimin by licking the spoon. He purposely made it as seductive as he could in order to get on Jimin's last nerve. He ran down the hall and into the library before Jimin could kill him.

The shorter male chased him down the hall, running into the library and slammed the door behind him. He originally tried to tackle Jungkook, but he tripped on a book that fell and landed on top of Jungkook. The last bit of ice cream Jungkook had was now splattered onto the cold, wooden floor. "Hey! You made me drop my ice cream!" Jungkook whined.

The hybrid turned his head and faced Jimin, realizing that they were only centimetres apart. He used it as an opportunity to steal another kiss from the other. Jimin's face instantly flushed when he felt Jungkook's lips on his, but he kissed back regardless. One kiss turned into two kisses, which turned into another heated make out session. "You sure are bold today, Jimin." Jungkook said after they finished the kiss Jimin initiated. "Shut up."

Taeyong was enraged. Enraged that Yuta and Sicheng managed to slip out of his grasp. Enraged that a few of his strongest warriors couldn't even prevent Yuta and Sicheng from escaping. Enraged that his hackers couldn't prevent people from infiltrating the place. "You're all useless!" He screamed, slapping Doyoung in the face before gripping him by his hair and throwing him against the wall.

Taeil watched in horror as his best friend groaned in pain. Before he had a chance to even feel sympathetic, Taeyong scratched his back with his now extended claws. He screamed in pain, feeling the blood drip down his back. He didn't dare move, hoping that maybe Taeyong will spare him if he listened. Taeyong kicked the human in the stomach before moving on.

Taeyong pointed to Lucas. "Lucas, come here." He spoke unusually softly, making the black panther hybrid shiver. He stepped up regardless, knowing that he messed up. He braced himself for what Taeyong was going to do to him next. "Since you have a girlfriend, I guess I'll go easy on you." He said, grabbing Lucas' neck and gripping it tightly. He watched as Lucas struggled to breathe. Just as he was about to turn blue, Taeyong let go.

Lucas coughed loudly, breathing in deeply. He looked up at Taeyong, both in fear and admiration. "Taeyong, please forgive me for asking for more, but I just have one thing I want from you. Can you please call me Yukhei?" He asked, still taking in deep breaths. "You know that I'll never be able to pronounce that. You're just going to have to get used to being called Lucas." He replied, moving onto Dejun. A tinge of sadness appeared in Lucas' eyes, but he shook it off.

Jaehyun's eyes widened as Taeyong grabbed one of the whips he had. Taeyong gently held Dejun's chin, admiring the young hybrid's features. "You have quite the pretty face. It would be a shame if anything happened to it, so I assure you that I won't touch it." Taeyong said sweetly with a hint of sadism behind it. Dejun tried his best not to shiver, but it didn't work. Taeyong's smile widened when he felt Dejun trembling.

Jaehyun stumbled to Taeyong, grabbing him by the sleeve. "D-don't use the whip on him." Jaehyun stuttered in a whisper. Taeyong looked down on him with many different emotions written on his face. There was surprise, slight happiness and mostly rage. "Looks like you've finally become bold enough to stand up to me, Jaehyun." He replied scarily calmly. Jaehyun flinched, knowing that he'll get it for sure afterwards. Taeyong bent down, grabbing Jaehyun's face.

"Then don't hold a grudge against me for what I'm gonna do next."

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