Chapter 7

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Jungkook woke up the next day and immediately went to check his phone. He wanted to see what kind of information Namjoon might've gathered overnight. He picked up his phone to see texts that Namjoon sent just barely ten minutes ago. He opened his phone and went through the texts.

Just as he was about to read them all, Jimin woke up, forcing him to throw his phone aside in hopes of Jimin not finding out. He watched as his soulmate yawned early in the morning with puffy eyes, chubby cheeks and messy hair. Jungkook wished that he could just live peacefully with Jimin, but he knew that it wasn't possible without a fight.

He watched as Jimin went to make breakfast while still half asleep. Jungkook could tell that Jimin was about to fall asleep any moment now, so he took over and just let Jimin sit on the couch quietly. He didn't want to take the risk and let Jimin accidently burn himself. He would never let that happen. Ever.

"Jimin! What do you want to eat this morning?" Jungkook called out, causing Jimin to snap awake. "Maybe some porridge. I haven't had that in a while." Jimin replied sleepily, causing Jungkook to smile. "Alright, porridge for my sleepy prince!" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly as Jimin just simply nodded his head sleepily.

It took about half an hour for Jungkook to finish making the porridge. He poured it into two seperate bowls and went to call Jimin for breakfast only to realize that the shorter male had already fallen asleep on the couch. Jungkook didn't want to wake up Jimin when he was sleeping so peacefully, but he didn't have a choice unless he wanted Jimin to be late.

He gently pecked Jimin's plump lips before aggressively shaking him awake. "Wake up sleepyhead!" Jungkook yelled as he shook Jimin's body. Jimin let out a groan of frustration before getting up to eat his breakfast. He pushed away Jungkook and walked to the table where the porridge was sitting and grabbed a spoon before digging in.

While they ate, Jungkook decided to bring up something he forgot to mention the day before. "Oh, Jimin! I forgot to ask you this yesterday, but do you want to move into my house with me?" Jungkook asked while Jimin ate, causing Jimin's eyes to widen. "Wait, you never told me you had a house!"

"Well, I kinda forgot that I had one until just yesterday. It's technically Namjoon's house, but it's under my name. Everything inside the house, including the actual house came out of Namjoon's pockets." Jungkook said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. Jimin narrowed his eyes at Jungkook, making Jungkook raise his hands in the air.

"Did you force Namjoon to pay for all of it because you're broke?" Jimin asked suspiciously while taking another bite out of his porridge. "No! Of course not! He paid for it out of his own will... I think it was actually Seokjin who forced him to buy a house for me now that I think about it. Everything inside was all designed and picked by him as well." Jungkook thought out loud.

"Hey! I asked you a question because I expected you to answer it properly! Don't give me that shit and just daydream!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook angrily while continuing to eat his porridge. "Sorry, I was just thinking about who in the world came up with the idea of getting me a house. It's fairly new, so do you want to move in with me? If you don't want to, we can always stay in the apartment." Jungkook offered.

"At this point even an old rickety house would be better than this nasty apartment. I'm a hundred percent down to move into your house." Jimin agreed as his bowl of porridge was steadily decreasing. "Alright, let's move into it tomorrow then. I would like to give you full access to the house, but for your safety, there will be only one restriction. I'll go into more detail tomorrow." Jungkook planned, causing Jimin to nod in understanding.

Before they could talk for any longer, Jimin's alarm rang, causing Jimin to frantically prepare for work. Jungkook sighed as he put the dishes in the sink and started washing them. He said his goodbyes to Jimin and continued washing the remaining dishes in silence.

When he was done, he pulled out his phone and went back to reading Namjoon's text messages from earlier. He sat on the couch with some snacks before preparing himself to read some serious news.

"Jackson and Jaebum helped me gather this information overnight. I'm glad that we have two skilled hackers on our side. It makes the job easier for us. Anyway, Jung Jaehyun is actually a high school student that went missing about 5 years ago. He was a Junior in high school at the time of his disappearance. Why do you ask?" Namjoon replied.

"Isn't Jackson a jaguar hybrid while Jaebum is a leopard hybrid? I heard that feline hybrid hackers are very skilled at their job. We really did get lucky. I was asking because I was visiting the house you bought for me yesterday and I found a secret passage in my library. I entered it and I saw Yuta inside. He revealed a bit of information about the cult and actually told me that he was part of it. Don't worry, he isn't very dedicated to the organization. He wanted me to get Jung Jaehyun out of the organization, so I planned on helping him. Any ideas?" Jungkook explained while he reached into his bag of chips.

"Oh, I see. Jaebum did a little more digging when Jackson went to sleep and found out that Jaehyun is actually your soulmate's best friend since they first started school. There wasn't any more information about him except for the fact that his missing posters were everywhere 5 years ago. I'm assuming that he's about 22 now." Namjoon specified.

"I actually planned on moving into my house tomorrow with Jimin. That information just gives me an even bigger reason to ban Jimin from going past the fifth shelf in the library. I don't know who built that secret passage, but I can't afford to get it removed in case Yuta needs to tell me something. The only option is to hide it from Jimin the best I can. If he finds out that Jaehyun is involved in this mess, I don't know what would happen." Jungkook replied worriedly, throwing away his now empty bag of chips.

"Okay but I never would've thought that Yuta would also join that organization. He looked like the person that would stay unwavering even when he was being threatened with his life. The only reason to why he joined I can think of is that he joined after he found out what happened to Taeyong and is trying to change Taeyong back." Namjoon sighed while he typed.

"That's exactly the reason why he joined. He told me that he's actually trying to refrain from participating in the abuse going on in the organization. It makes sense that he's trying to change Taeyong the best he can. After all, he is Taeyong's best friend. Their relationship might be a bit strained at the moment, but there's no doubt that Yuta will remain loyal to him no matter what." Jungkook responded.

"If someone's going to change Taeyong, I trust that it'll be Yuta who succeeds. I have to go and sign papers for the new project I'm working on with Jimin now, I'll talk to you later, Jungkook." Namjoon responded before going back to doing his work in his office.

Jungkook simply turned on the TV in hopes that it'll distract him from the stress. In the end, it didn't work and his mind kept on wandering back to Yuta. He desperately hoped that nothing bad happened to Yuta after he went back into his library. He knew that Yuta was very valuable to him and this situation since he was the one who was directly involved and therefore knew exactly what was going on. He sighed before turning off the TV, attempting to fall asleep.

"I really hope you're alright, Yuta."

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