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* after incident*
Maw maws pov: I was siting in my room when I got a phone call , I ignored it at first but then it rung again "hello" "Hello is this Mrs. Williams" " yes this is she , may I ask who's speaking" " yes my name is Diane I have a patient denovia Williams and you're on her emergency contact list I need you to get to the hospital ASAP" " why what's going on with her" "ma'am I can't say over the phone but please hurry" I hung up and jumped up omg please let my baby be okay , I ran to my car and called zayviontay

Zays pov: I was sitting in my chair getting some fire ass head from ari when my phone started ringing "man wtf" I thought but shit I ignored it then it started ringing again "man hold on ma" it was my granny what could she be calling me for
" yes granny" " boy you answer the fucking phone when I call you the first time not the 4th time , anyway your sister is in the hospital the lady wouldn't tell me what's wrong but-" before she could finish I jumped up " ARI LETS GO NOVIAS IN THE HOSPITAL" she wiped her mouth and got up and ran out the room

In the car I called Jamal

Jamal's pov: I was in novias hotel room waiting on her to come back since she blew up on zay I wanted to know what happened but she never showed I was calling and texting her nothing , I was getting ready to leave when zay called me
" aye man don't ask no questions just get your ass to the hospital NOW" my heart dropped fast I just had a feeling it had something to do with novia please let my babygirl be okay 💔

Ariana's thoughts: really in the middle of giving head 🙄 , novia probably got into a fight again I'm finally making up with zay and she pulls this bs smh typical novia

Nobody's pov: everybody pulled up to the hospital at the same time , they all got out and ran into the hospital " we're looking for denovia Williams" " you all must be her family she's in icu rn but you can go on her floor and wait up there" they all got in the elevator and went up to the 3rd floor . Jamal couldn't stay still he was falling in love with this girl and now he didn't know what was going on , now both of his girls are laid up in the hospital " THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT" he yelled punching the wall " aye man just chill out it's gone be straight" zay told him in the back of his mind though he was really hurt she had just went off on him and now she's in the hospital he felt super guilty, just then a male doctor walked over to them
" family of denovia" " us" they all said in unison
" well denovia got into a really bad car accident her car flipped 3 times before finally landing into a tree , by the grace of god she's alive , but she's in a coma and we're not sure how long she'll be under but she's out of icu if anyone wants to go see her" everybody was stuck zay felt completely guilty now
They all walked in to see her strapped up to all this machines and on cue they all began to break down even aris fake ass 🙄 ( sorry y'all that was my input 😂) . " aye do y'all mind if I get some alone time with her rq please" mal asked with tears streaming down his face zay knew how hard this was on him yeah this is his sister but mals about to lose his momma & maybe the love of his life "yeah man , come on y'all"

Jamal's pov: after everybody left I walked over to her side and grabbed her hand , " novia baby it's me Jamal look idk if you can hear me but but but - his voice began to get scratchy but I need you here , you're the reason my hot head ass has calmed down a whole lot you're the reason I smile everyday man I can't lose you , I'm really falling in love with you I was sitting in your room waiting on you to come back had a nigga thinking he was in the wrong hotel room for a second he lightly laughed to hisself but look I'm so sorry I couldn't stop you you took off so fast I didn't know what to do 🥺 but baby I love you please come back" I got up wiping my eyes before looking back at her one more time before going to get everybody else

Everybody got a chance to say some words to nono but she didn't budge everyone thought the worse of course but no one said it out loud everyone was getting ready to leave when some man walked up to the door and the energy shifted even worse

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