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"I swear to God, I know nothing about it," Jennie said after Chaeyoung told her about Taehyung showing up at her house. "I swear I never told him where you live even when he asked."

Chaeyoung fixed her eyes on the people walking outside the café they were in. She had her expression flat, almost seemed robotic as though there was no soul left in her body. Breathing out calmly, she said, "I'm not accusing you." When she did turn to look at her friend, she blinked once and swallowed the lump in her throat. "I just wanted to know why you can't educate your so-called smart boyfriend. He should know that he should never break his promise to not expose where my house at to his best friend."

Jennie looked taken aback but remained calm as she took that moment to stay silent when usually, she would definitely busy herself defending her boyfriend. Chaeyoung herself felt suffocated whenever there was a tension between her and her best friend but she was so pissed at everything that she refused to do anything to lighten up the mood.

"I know that Namjoon probably think that's him being a good friend to Taehyung, but Jennie, for the last time, educate him as hard as you can about cheating and broken trusts. Since he knows and understands his best friend, I'm pretty sure that if he finally understands about cheating and broken trusts, he can finally understand why I refuse to let Taehyung, of all people, know where I live in the first place."

She knew from Jennie's facial expression that she understood it very well but still, she wanted to make it clear that the blame was definitely not on her. With a sad sigh, she lowered her eyes. "It's not your fault and I don't blame you for this, Jen. It might seem like it but no, I don't. I'm relying on you to make Namjoon understand."

Her best friend nodded her head to show how she completely understood the weight of the situation Namjoon had caused. "I'm still sorry," Jennie said softly and reached for her hand. Although she was not in the mood to tell Jennie the whole thing, the small gesture made her feel relaxed and she was glad she had her best friend.

Both of them said nothing while they were on their way to her house. It was Jennie who broke the silence and Chaeyoung silently thanked her for that. "If he keeps bothering you, just tell me. Okay?" Jennie told her when they reached her house.

Chaeyoung gave her friend a quick small smile that she was sure was unnoticed. She plopped herself on her bed and checked on any schedule she had for the next day when Jennie suddenly asked her a question that made the hold on her phone grow tighter.

"Where's Jungkook anyway?" Jennie asked, sitting on the other side of the bed.

Instead of giving her friend a proper reply, she shrugged and quickly stood up, trying to get away from her friend's question when she felt her lower lip started to pout. Jennie seemed to know that something wasn't right when she quickly grasped Chaeyoung's wrist before she could go far.

"What happened?"

She blew hot air through her nose and felt that her lips would tremble if she let them separate from each other. Even so, they did without her consent as she muttered her reply. "We broke up."

Jennie's hold only grew tighter as she pulled it towards her and Chaeyoung closed her eyes as she predicted what would happen next when she let herself get pulled by her friend.

"What exactly happened?" Jennie asked again sternly, sounding in between a mother and a caring older sister.

Chaeyoung kept mum until Jennie mentioned her full name, urging her to tell what happened to the relationship she had with Jeon Jungkook. All her predictions came true and even accurate as it happened in sequence.

First, she told her best friend everything from A to Z. Second, she realized that she was actually crying. And third, her best friend was fuming.

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