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Jungkook's head throbbed when he sat up on the bed. He looked around him. He was in his room. His mind gave him images of the club, and glasses and bottles in front of him. But he couldn't remember what happened next. By the state of him right now, he knew he was drunk last night. But how the hell did he get home?

It would be impossible for him to drive himself home in the state of being drunk.

When he walked out of his bedroom, he saw his two best friends watching the TV. One was on the couch while the other was splayed on the floor. He shut his eyes briefly and breathed out in relief. "Hey, guys," he croaked.

Hoseok and Yoongi turned to him at the same time and both of them didn't greet him with a smile on the faces. That was almost normal for Yoongi but it wasn't for Hoseok. Nevertheless, he scratched the back of his head and sat on the couch next to Hoseok.

"Thanks, man," he muttered.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and said lowly, "Do you know what kind of trouble you could get into?"

"I know," he replied briefly with no hint of interest at all for these types of question.

"Do you know what kind of trouble you got us into last night trying to look for you?" Hoseok asked again.

Yoongi scoffed on the floor, focusing back on the TV. "Man, I can't believe I wasted my sleeping time to look for your ass."

Jungkook frowned deeply and scoffed louder than Yoongi. "Hey, I never complained of all the troubles you guys got me into when you guys were the ones who were drunk," he shot back.

The three of them went silent before Hoseok said, "Anyway, don't thank me."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow before his eyes landed on Yoongi. "Thanks, Yoongi."

Yoongi didn't look away from the TV, propping his head on his palm as he lay on his side. "Don't thank me."

"Guys, I know I wasn't supposed to do that last night. Sorry for troubling you two but what's so hard about receiving my thanks?"

Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a look before the both of them laughed. Yoongi shook his head softly, brought his body up so he was sitting on the floor before he told him, "We didn't mean it that way. You should be thanking someone else instead, not us."

"Yugyeom? He brought me home?"

Hoseok gave him a look of disbelief, scowling at him and looked like he was so pissed at what Jungkook had just said. "No, not him, you dumbass. Thank that person living above you."


Chaeyoung hadn't ridden a bike in a long time. It was one of the activities she had enjoyed doing whenever stress took over. The feeling of having her legs moving, her feet pressing against the pedals, and the wind that would blow against her hair and skin; they were all wonderful feelings that she hadn't been able to feel lately.

In the early morning of that day, she had brought down her bicycle that hadn't been used in a while and started to cycle around the neighborhood. She started from around her apartment before cycling farther. The sky was still dark when she started and so there weren't a lot of people around. Just some drunken old men walking around with bottles in hands, trying their best to assure themselves that they were sober. A small smile pulled at her face; it reminded her of Jungkook two days ago.

Pushing him to the back of her mind, she cycled much faster towards a small bridge. She closed her eyes, relishing that wonderful feeling of every strands of her hair pulled back by the wind. The coldness of the morning air refreshed her body, forgetting how she had been quick to feel tired for being unfit these days. It felt like before, when all problems didn't exist and all she could feel was contentment.

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