Ch.5.The Life Of A Cat.

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{I Don't own Bnha or Reader}

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{Y/N} swayed her tail as she laid on her bench, the boys she met so far have kept their promise in visiting her, and she met a few others as the week past, a long haired blonde boy with self esteem problems that now took up learning how to speak 'French', if she could speak she would teach them some old languages from her past life as a queen, sometimes she would think back to the things she missed there but the boys she met and people she met on this bench replaced that.

Speaking of which a new face approached her bench, bright red shoes on his feet and a mop of green hair on his head, freckles dusting his cheeks he took a seat next to her trying to bother her in the slightest, the feline could tell something was up turning her head to him she got out of her laying position and into his lap surprising him yet he petted her instead of trying to push her off.

"S-Sorry if I was bothering you" he told her "Y-You know black cats in some places are considered bad luck, but around here there considered good luck, m-maybe my luck finally changed that would be great" he ranted "I-I was born w-without a quirk you see and because of it everyone thinks I can't become a hero b-but I'll show them even without one I can become one, I-I hope at least" he told her not minding ranting his problems to her in the slightest "K-Kacchan changed ever since he got his quirk, h-hes more brash then usual, a-and angry and I-I don't know w-what to do we used to be best friends as kids but hes changes so much, what do you think I should do?"

"Send him my way deary I'll put my claws in him, for hurting such a sweet innocent child, I can but guess he bullies you, this isn't nice Beauvoir for a child, just because you don't have a quirk doesn't mean squat child, be a 'Hero' and save many" {Y/N} mewed wishing he would understand her truly yet he only heard a meow but he still understood, with her tail moving side to side, the feline could understand him that sparked something in the boy.

"C-Can I-I come back Again I want to take notes on this, you can understand me right?" the cat nodded and he felt overjoyed she climbed out of his lap and he was on his way feeling better and a real smile for once on his face he would certainly be visiting this bench again, along with the others she had met, she had a simple life yet it was quite lonely she truly had no place to call home.

This bench was a nice resting place but those dogs that came around were annoying and the fleas were as well, she missed her luxury baths the jewelry sometimes grew heavy and the earring reminded her of the past she couldn't let go.

Drops of rain snapped her from her thoughts, her head tilting up to see the dark clouds that had rolled in she hopped that boy got home safely, for the droplets soon began to poor and she jumped from her bench in search of shelter to wait out the rain, finding a small place near the tall tree she was in when that mutt was barking, a small hole laid in the base big enough for her to fit, the leaves let only a few droplets come through but it picked up slightly and she shivered from the cold breeze.

"Annoying the weather claimed it wasn't going to rain today" A voice stated seeking shelter under the tree as well, long black hair dripping wet from the rain clothing sticking to his body before he noticed he wasn't alone noticing the glowing eyes from the trunk of the tree for he only looked down for a second to notice he squatted down holding out his hand "Come out I don't bite" his eyes lit up slightly seeing it was indeed a feline though what threw him off was how pampered she seemed yet looking closer he could see the dirt matted in her fur without thinking further he picked her up for he loved cats and he was quite lonely in his apartment.

And that was the day two people got less lonely, a lazy unknown hero and a queen reincarnated as a feline, a bond would soon form that would change the balance of things slightly.

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{So the winner of the poll is Option 2 Aizawa, so many votes for the lazy man like it's only been a few days since I put that poll up, in second came Chisaki and in third was Shoto, so yep Dadzawa it is}


{Bakugou or Kirishima who shall she meet next?}   

The Life Of A Cat {BNHA x Cat Reader}  |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now