Ch.37.The Life Of A Cat.

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{I Don't own BNHA or reader}

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Izuku frowned at the thought of going up against one of his friends, his tactics in fighting weren't the best and his boyfriend reminded him not to break his bones, though when the screen lit up with his name and the name of the pink skinned alien like girl he knew he'd have to figure out ways to block her acid like quirk.

He'd seen her in action before, they had classes together and hero training together after all, she had a flair for not thinking most of the time, she wasn't dumb she was just eccentric, just like earlier before this, when he and the other boys had to face the fact their principal issued them to wear cheer-Leading outfits.

The skirt and all, it was embarrassing to say the least, their principal was a true Sadist, he never personally met the man but after that little fiasco, that was broadcast-ed on live T.V that his mom was watching, he'd never live the moment down, it was kinda more so embarrassing that he looked like a girl in that outfit, but he wouldn't admit it, that he kinda liked the feel of the skirt, maybe that's why he was keeping the uniform.

The thoughts faded though as he stood in the ring, the pink haired girl with horns smiling a large smile, as soon as Midnight yelled start he had to dodge the oncoming acid the girl aimed at his feet, clever indeed she slid around on it, her goal was to push him out, he'd have to play dirty as well to win this than.

So he did the thing he'd normally do when he wanted something, "A-Ashido-San can you please step out of the ring and let me win?" his eyes she tried not to stare into them but she was captured, hours spent with the {E/C} feline to perfect this look, the look of the sad kitten, he'd thank the feline later.

"It's to cute, please stop Midoriya I can't take it" She wailed, "I'll leave the ring just never make that face again please nit's to powerful" she wanted to win so badly but the boy's face, it just made her give in, she'd have to figure out how he learned to perfect it so much, and as they announced him as the winner, the next match was soon to begin.

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When the male with lightening was pitted against the earphone jack beauty he lost in a mater of seconds, for he fried his brain allowing her to plug her earphone jacks into her boots, allowing her to win.

The creative beauty against the orange haired female it dragged on a long battle but her confidence wavered slightly, allowing the orange haired female to get the upper hand, gaining her a spot in the next round.

Hitoshi quite simply had the upper hand even when his classmate knew his quirk, the simplest thing set her off, her girlfriend, he'd have to apologize to her afterwards, the girl was quick on her feet but Uraraka still needed to learn a few more things about her emotions, for simple things will be your downfall.

 When Bakugou went against a male with a quirk similar to his boyfriends it was interesting to say the least, but training with his boyfriend led to knowing weak points in these kinds of things, and after he won he helped the boy up after he blew him out of the ring, "That was a pretty great match, hopefully we can do it again" he was no longer whom he used to be ever since meeting the feline, and let's just say he made a knew friend after that.

When Kirshima had to go against his own friend it was kinda hard to say the least, Sero was apart of the Baku-Squad, and they got to this round together, having to fight him wasn't manly, fighting your friends wasn't manly, but he wanted to win no mater what, and Sero didn't hold a grudge when he lost the round, he was just happy he wasn't pitted against their teachers 'son'.

Neito was beaten badly, and by a girl none the less, a girl with frog like abilities and a quirk he couldn't copy, his quirk was useless in this situation, even all his training was no match against her, for he didn't train to fight a frog girl, but after the humiliation he began talking with her, she was a cool person, in his boyfriends class, and they exchanged numbers and were now planning on training days, it was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Shoto won in a mater of seconds, his anger flaring up when he saw someone in the stands flirting with his boyfriend, the plant like religious girl was a frozen block of ice, why did a girl with a plant like quirk get paired against a boy with an ice like quirk? the world may never know.

And lets just say the boy whom flirted with his boyfriend was attacked by a certain feline...

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{Happy Friday the thirteenth... it's currently 12:17 Am and I need sleep so before that enjoy this update}      

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