Ch.26.The Life Of A Cat.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader}

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"Oh Come On Giri it's nit that bad" A young women teased a man with black hair with purple streaks whom sighed pushing up his glasses, "I would have been overjoyed to be given such an honor"

"I am slightly annoyed by how you find this funny {Y/N}, you announced to the kingdom that not only will your mother be head Mage but also that your allowing us Mages to mingle with these Humans" He didn't truthfully like humans, he was born with magic and his wings gave away his unhuman nature "I tolerate you because your my cousin from aunties side, it's a shame she was forced to breed with that man"

His purple eyes scanned his cousins face, seeing her sigh as she shifted in her throne "Truthfully I agree with you Giri, I hated that man as well the scars prove he was never meant to be a father" She sighed "And It was mothers idea, she wanted to be something important to the Kingdom of Mythic, and magic was already a thing here I've seen some children brown with it"

"Indeed that is true, but I do not think this is what Auntie meant by being noticed" The man sighed "Your ought to start a war at this point cousin" Giri was someone whom took in his own believes, he was dead set on protecting his cousin from a war, she had faced enough, their banters may sometimes be harsh but he loved her, for she was powerful no matter what.

"Your Majesty there's a person wanting in!" A Girl with short brown curly locks and mouse like features squeaked, grey eyes shining in confusion, and mouse ears twitching as the armor she were clanked slightly.

"Thank you ------" The female smiled "Allow them in, it was great talking to you Giri but I have important matters to attend to apparently" her cousin nodded making his way out of the room, and watching as his cousins familiar made her way out of the room, it was quite rare to see human/animal ones, his cousin was quite lucky to get one of the more powerful ones.

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The mist like male's very being flicked from mist to a man with black and purple locks than back to mist like, he panted hand on the wall, as the memories thudded against his skull, the flashback came like a tone of bricks raining down on him, the mouse like female and the queen sitting on the throne.

The memories kept coming, the book had helped greatly and he was unaware of how much it had taken on him, "You can't get rid of me" A voice growled dark and dangerous "I Am Who you are now a demon, this power comes from me!"

"N-No you are not me, your not in control this magic was always mine and your just freeloading" And like a surge the two were pulled away from one another, the black like mist had turned into the form of a snake, one dark and shiny mist like wisps coming off of it, as it laid on the ground in pain from hitting the wall.

But on the other side a man laid, his locks of hair falling in his face as his wings laid around him, breathing heavy as purple eyes flew open, the world blurry and his head pounding, but his gaze locked on the snake, the one that caused this, the one that made him suffer with no memory no emotion for all these centuries.

Dark magic had came with a price, and that was himself, a cure he was always to walk with till he remembered fought back, it was a deal made with a demon one that was different from the rest, one that didn't accept the ways of the kingdom and now the curse had taken them, if the contract were to be null and void, broken by the one whom made it the Demon must be banished to the form of an animal, and this demon would remain a snake, for many reasons.

"You've had your fun long enough" The man moved toward the snake grasping it in his hands, stumbling to the kitchen and grabbing a large enough jar to stuff the snake in for now, luckily fr him this demons animal form wasn't that big, he'd have to wait to find a better fit, for now his magic was a bit drained from this creature that had latched on to him, "I knew that feline was someone I knew before now that I have my memories back, I can finally have a chat with my dear cousins Reincarnation" he stumbled slightly toward the door, sensing where exactly she was.

He hoped she remembered but than again the last time her eyes showed a hint of familiarity, like she knew and remembered him, he hoped that was the case because he could sense she needed help, her magic was unstable in that form, she was probably unaware of it as well.

But before that he needed food, and he heard rumors his old companion had opened a bakery, alas the man would probably not recognize him, for that demon truthfully changed him into looking the part after-all, luckily enough that demon had fashion sense.

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{In which you all probably thought Purple meant a Hitoshi chapter but nope it Meant ya'll get a MamaGiri chapter! and I'm guessing no one saw that coming~ anyway for next chapter whom shall the newly form Kurogiri come across first - Shigaraki or {Y/N} ? }   

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