Ch.20.The Life Of A Cat.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader}

{You chose Door 2: A Queens tale }

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When she was born her father refused to give her a single look, for he was disappointed of what the most powerful mage gave birth to, he wanted a Male for an heir not this thing, females to him were just weak, but he'd have to deal with it, for it was the only heir he'd get for now, and till she was old enough to learn how to fight he'd allow the mage to raise the girl.

And so till the fifth birthday of the {H/C} child she was raised with love and care by her mother whom taught her how to feel the magic flowing through the air, taught her how to tell a soulmate bond easily, and maybe that is why her mother was freed, for her daughter told her father wasn't the one for her, they were never meant to be, and when her baby was torn away from her on that day the women swore to do whatever it takes to get her daughter back, to see her again.

And while the days ticked by it got worse no more love was shown for the child she was forced to train day and night, study when she should sleep, eat only when told and speak when spoken to, she wasn't allowed to play with children her own age, and never allowed to leave the castle, she could only go into the gardens if escorted by a guard.

Her father would raise a whip if she acted out, he killed whom he deemed unworthy to be near her, her room was kept in the tower portion of the castle, it was cold and the bed she was given was not comfy at all, one guard however kept her company, one that would give her letters from her mother whom was kept away with wards, and a man her father hired to keep her at bay and from coming into the kingdom to take her away.

She was ten when he remarried to a woman with crimson eyes and white hair, it was easy to see she was of the demon race, yet she was a kind one giving the young female a smile as she passed, the princess watched the queen from her window on days she studied, watching the woman dance through the gardens.

One day her father was out at another kingdom leaving his new wife at the castle, and they met properly, the women's name was Erin Rewind, from the kingdom of Crimson, a kingdom of demons that made a treaty by having her father marry her, and she indeed was the kindest person ever, whom kept secrets from her husband, a man she didn't love at all.

And when the young princess turned fourteen the new queen was going into labor the next day, her father had been called out that day on important matters, unable to make it for the birth of the child, though as fate had it Erin didn't make it through the birthing process, the child she gave birth to was crying as the cord was cut, and the maidens whispered to each other, taking notice of the princess that came in unnoticed before.

"What is wrong?" The princess questioned no one dared speak only lowering the bundle so she could see her new sibling, she frowned noticing the lacking part her father truly wanted in an heir, Erin was dead and her child was here, she looked to the maiden holding her sister "Take her away from here, if anyone is dare to ask my step mother and the baby she was carrying perished, tell my father the baby was already dead by the time they were birthed" 

She wouldn't allow her baby sister to get this horrible life, like she had, and so she went back to her room a secret kept as the maiden with golden hair took the baby girl away from the kingdom, in the darkness, a spell she learned from her birth mother before her take away came in handy the day her father returned, he was displeased to hear his other heir was dead and so was his second wife, taking it out on his daughter the night with a whip.

Soon the years past by and the princess turned eighteen, on that day her father had died of poison, her scars made her who she was, the ones hidden by her dress, and on the day of his funeral she met a man with hair as dark as night with eyes matching.

He made her feel a spark of what she never had before, the two hit it off and she was soon crowned queen, being friends unaware that the man she met was falling for her, and soon she felt it as well, till her memories of him were wiped by a women in blue.

He was never meant to fall in love with the women of the man whom's soul he came to collect, and he kept away, keeping an eye on a little girl with white hair and crimson eyes, one named after the women that birthed her, and that was something he regrets, for {Y/N} {L/N} was not suppose to die at Twenty years old, for his reaper went against his word and killed her in cold blood.

He met her again and gave her another chance, for her loved her even though he wasn't suppose to.

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{Door 3: The Life of a Lost Heir , Door 1 : Love she once forgot }

{Door 3 was a close second but Door 2 got six votes, and thus your past has been revealed, Shall Sho-Chan go visit his mother with reader Yay or Nae ? }  


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