Prologue [Edited]

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"Arian, grab your sister and run!" my mom's voice thunders through the clearing, and my brother makes move to follow her orders but my feet are rooted to the ground.

"Come on Athena, we have to get help!" he yells out to me, but his pleads and yells fall on deaf ears. All I can do is stand, rooted to the ground and watch my mother bleed out. My father was still next to her, and I was trying to convince myself that he was asleep. He was just tired. He was going to stand up any second, scoop up Briana and I, and bring us back home.

My eyes trail over to my twin sister. Briana. My knees shake and wobble at the sight of her bloody matted hair, scratches and marks scattered across her arms and face. I don't realize I'm screaming her name until my brother yanks me into reality and picks me up in his arms, running back to the pack house. My eyes trail over his shoulder, keeping sight of my dead sister and I feel myself whimper into my big brother's embrace.

The clock wheel spins, and day turns to dusk, and glasses of water are shoved in my hand and foreign hands pat my back. But all I want is my mother, to pick me up and tuck me in bed. My father, to sing me to sleep, and my sister, to hug tight and tell her I love her. It's nightfall when I realize that I haven't seen my brother at all. I whimper, and make my way to the emergency room. I push open the double doors as hard as my seven-year old limbs can and by the time I reach him, I'm panting slightly and my arms are covered in a sheen layer of sweat.

"Arian?" I whisper out.

But he's silent, and he's sitting on a hospital bed, his back towards me.

"Arian?" I try again. Maybe he fell asleep sitting, I've done that before. I walk to him and place my tiny hand on his shoulder. He raises his hand and I think it's to pull me in a hug but instead he shoves it off me.

"Go to bed Athena." His voice is hoarse from crying and I can see tear stains on his cheeks. His eyes are brimmed red and he looks exhausted.

"Arian, where's mom and dad? Where's Bri?" I ask. They were okay right? They had to be okay.

My brother looks up at me and gives me a look of distaste, as if I was something bad he had eaten. I find myself shrinking under his gaze. "Arian, where's mommy and daddy?" I whisper, tears filling my eyes. "I want mommy and daddy!" I say, and my voice is rising. "WHERE'S MO-"


I hear the sound before I can feel the impact of it, and my body flies back slightly and I trip over my legs. Tumbling to the floor, I cup my left cheek and I can feel it burning up. Hot tears still at I stare at my big brother in disbelief.

Arian stares at his hands as if he can't believe what he just did. Suddenly something shifts in his eyes, and he stares at me cold and unforgiving.

"You killed them Athena." And he walks out of the room leaving me on the floor.




My body jolts from my slumber and I gasp at the dream I had, and catch my breath. I swallow harshly and clench my jaw to subtle my shaking. Focusing on a spot in the floor, I try to regulate my breathing before finally getting it under control.

I look at the sunlight that streams through the window, and stare at it as it peaks from behind the clouds. Sighing, I get up and fix the bed before making my way to the sink. Washing my face, I pat it dry before looking up at staring at my reflection.

My name is Athena Campbell.

And I killed my family. 

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