First off I want to say (you dont have to read keep scrolling)

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Wow you actually read an authors note, look at you! I'm so proud, my little Rieklings.

Now down to business.

Things I will do:

-Write mostly as a female character, just take it as it goes man. You want a special chapter, I'll get you, but tElL mE

-Any, and I mean, any, character that you request. Even if I hate them, I'll still do it because supply and demand

-fluff. Nuff said. Maybe not NSFW, but I'll get fluffy on y'all

-oneshot requests, give me your plot, I'll give you a shot....of cringe

-Matchups, because I'll take the clout for it. If that actually catches traction's I'll detail how I want your submission formatted

-preferences, they're quick and easy to work on in my free time.

-headcanons, all the weird ones too

-I will post gifs as a visual, and memes are essential

-I will post unfinished chapters so you can stay updated and see that I am working on it, keep up and distract yourself while I get to your favorite characters

-I will keep the preferences, matchups, and oneshots in order by what they are, so chapters may move.

-I will try to keep a consistent schedule of updates but I can't promise anything. Life happens

-I may do the same oneshots with different character temperaments if I have the time and the creative prowess/work ethic. We have to have variety.

-on occasion because I write better to music, I'll pinup the song I looped for an hour to write something, immerse yourself pretties

Things I will NOT do:

-any sort of plot that makes me uncomfortable,
(Ex: rape, misuse of things to be put in orifices, I'll let you know if it's too far)

-Rp. Sorry my brioche baby, I'm here to type my wrists into destruction.

-if I can't get a grasp on what you're asking for in a submission, I'll give you a one day period to reply and if you don't I'll throw it out 🤷‍♀️. What can I say I'm impatient when it comes to tRaShY aRt. Let's face it, this can and WILL be a dumpster fire

-Put your name in a requested oneshot. I will shout you out for the suggestion, but let's let everyone in on the little party here. Susan, you can't have Erik the Slayer all to yourself, he's a precious boy that must be fine butter

-Put up with sass. I don't have to take your WhIte GoLd CoNcOrDaTs. If you didn't like the way I posed your suggestions then 🤷‍♀️ write it yourself man.

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