Chapter 15

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Molly's POV

I stare at Calum's face as he sleeps, trying to memorize every single detail of it before he wakes up. I'm interrupted by sirens wailing outside as cop cars fly the house.

I sigh to myself and lean over, kissing his cheek, "Calum. Calum, babe." He groans softly, holding me tighter. "Calum, I have to go." His eyes stay closed. I reluctantly crawl out of Calum's bed and start getting dressed in my Psyche clothes.

"Where are you going, baby?" He mumbles, sitting up as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, "I thought you were going to stay the night."

"I've gotta go do Psyche stuff," I answer, shimmying into my leather pants, "Cop cars just went by."

Calum groans, "Just let them handle this one. Come back and cuddle me." He grabs my arm, trying to pull me back beside him. I sit down on the bed, running my fingers through his hair. He sighs contently, his eyes closing again.

"I still have to go, Calum," I whisper, "Shockwave and Aftershock are out there. I don't know if this is just a easy crime or if it's something to do with them. I-"

"I know," Calum tells me, sitting up. He cups my cheek, smiling widely at me, "My girlfriend is a superhero. She's gotta go kick-ass."

I laugh and kiss him, "I'll come back once I'm done and spend the night with you. Luke is staying at Sierra's place, and Jack and Ben can watch Petunia tonight." I grab my leather jacket and pull it on. I sit down on the edge of the bed again and start lacing up my boots.

"You better come back," he says, watching me with a smile on his face.

"Of course. I'm gonna miss Duke if I don't."

Calum falls back, groaning loudly, "Fuck you, Molly." I laugh and kiss him again. He pulls me down on top of him, holding onto my waist. I bite my lip as I stare at his face. God I wish I could just stay here.

"You're amazing, Molly," Calum says, making me blush wildly. I press my face against his chest, hiding the bright red on my cheeks and neck. He laughs, squeezing me tight, "I'm serious you know. I mean, I don't know how you do it. You balance Psyche, everyday life, being related to Luke and having fans chase you around for that, and up until a few days ago, school. I mean, I get stressed when I have to do two things."

"I mean, the superspeed helps," I joke, my cheeks aching from smiling so wide.

"Is it back?" I shake my head no, making him frown.

"That's why I actually have to leave, Calum. The cops are gonna be way ahead of me now because you're distracting me with your cuteness."

"Felix texted you the location," Calum informs me, tossing me my phone. I check it quickly. Just a few blocks over, but kinda close to mine and Luke's place. I sigh and slide my phone into my pocket. I kiss Calum one more time, tie on my mask, then go out through the window, hitting the ground with a running start.

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