Chapter 33- Relying on him

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"I don't regret the things I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance."

- Unknown


It has been five long, tiring days.

Long because I am forced to keep up this act and watch the guy I like pretend to be interested in Chloe. Along with the fact I have to do the same with Daniel. According to Harry, Chloe is clingy and talks his ears off.

You may be wondering how I find time to talk to him. Between classes we usually exchange cute little text messages and he calls me after school. We stay on the phone until all hours of the night. It may not seem like much but something is better than nothing.

I'm walking out the doors of the school, thankful that the day is finally over with. Dakota isn't with me at the moment since she has to stay after school to get extra help with Spanish. From what she has told me I can tell she absolutely loathes the class. The only reason she sticks around is because of the teacher. Good looking would be an understatement .

Unlike Dakota I am not very into the whole scandalous type of life. She is the only one who would seriously try to flirt with a teacher. It could have been worse though. He is pretty young, in his mid twenties from what I hear and we are close to graduating.

Lately I have been overthinking every little thing I do. Sometimes I think that my life is not as complicated as I see it but then I remind myself that none of this is normal.

I have to juggle between grades and the various tasks that have to do with my relationship. The plan takes up a great amount of my time and thought. It has even made the responsibility of filling out my final college applications slip my mind. A whole speech on how unorganised and under prioritised I am is just waiting to flow from my fathers lips.

When the speech does take place, which I predict won't be too long from now, it will probably go a little something like this : "Lauren, what has happened within these past few weeks? I have told you more times than I can count that high school is not a joke. It is to be taken very seriously. Have you lost vision of your top priorities? You need to keep your grades up if you are to have a good chance at getting into one of the good colleges! There is no way that they will accept you if you continue to go at this pace". Then he will go on to repeat the plans that he has already sketched out in his head, step by step. He'll probably be so loud that my mother has to come in and start rubbing hs back to calm his anger down.

I huff out a long breath at the mere thought of what is awaiting. The key is pulled out of a smaller compartment on my backpack and then slid into the lock. I jiggle the knob slightly and the lock finally slides undone. They can have the fanciest furniture yet can't get a lock changed? Some of the things they do is backwards beyond comprehenson.

The fresh lavendar scent of the house welcomes me. It is one of my favourite scents aside from that of rain. The kitchen is calling my name, begging for my attention and I kindly accept the invitation, trailing towards the space. Once I get there my hands work efficiently to search for food that can resolve my hunger. Nothing eye-catching is in any of the drawers so I continue my hunt in the refrigerator. My eyes almost well up in tears of joy at the blissful sight that has been bestowed upon my eyes. There is an abundance of food within the white shelves. I thought that they would not go shopping for at least another few days or so. This is possibly the best present they have given me, whether it was intentional or not.

When I turned 16 they gave me a pass that allowed me to skip school for the day. I thought they would take me out on a fun day at maybe an adventure park. Instead, the surprise was that I had to tag along with them to work so I could get a feel for the busines and work place. Yet another birthday ruined since the incident. Before Kyle left we used to celebrate birthdays together as a family and really enjoy spending time together. Now things have completely changed. I am lucky if they are home on their birthdays. I always make sure to wake up early on those days so that I can wish them and make them a special breakfast. One morning I had made my father waffles with coffee just the way he likes it, along with this I brought in a cupcake with a candle since he is not so big on sweets. Only when I was waiting in the kitchen with my phone open to the song, watching the kitchen door for his entrance did my mother walk in and give me a sympathetic look. She told me he had left really late the night before for a meeting out of town. I had wasted the whole morning preparing a breakfast that he would not even have the chance to glance at. We saved the cupcake but when he returned the next day he gave it to my mother saying how he didn't want it. I'm not going to lie. That hurt me in ways he will never be able to understand.

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