How he acts when he's drunk

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He gets super overprotective of you, even with females. Like you could just be talking with Natasha and Tony would drag you away and yell at her for trying to steal you.


Steve gets super clingy when he's drunk. Like hanging onto you like a koala bear. He will not, under any circumstances, leave your side. 


Thor gets super clumsy and loses all depth perception so you have to keep an eye on him at all times and make sure he doesn't break anything.


Bruce only talks using complicated chemistry science vocabulary. Mostly the periodic table. So instead of "I love you" it's "Iodine Livermorium Uranium". 


Clint gets overconfident and thinks he can do all kinds of crap he really, really can't. Like flips. He's awful at gymnastics, but that doesn't seem to click with him when he's intoxicated. He almost broke his neck once trying to back flip off the Avengers tower. 


Bucky doesn't get drunk, he cares too much for you. He'll drink a bit, but not enough to where he won't remember what happened the next morning.

Peter P:

Peter got drunk once to try to impress you and afterwards you convinced him not to. Not only because he's like 16 but also because he let go of his web a little too soon swinging around NY. Let's just say he agreed with you the next morning.

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