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"That doesn't make any sense. I'd much rather just summarize the book." The girl whose legs I'm currently situated between huffed. She ran thin fingers through her ashy violet hair.

"It'll be fine, just follow the instructions." I gave a light shrug.

"If you ever give up this treacherous sport and go to college you'll understand my frustrations." Her words had no intended emotion behind them by now, after being repeated for so long.

Not this talk again.

My words made their way out with a sigh. "Em, we aren't going down this road." She locked her phone, signaling she was ready to talk—and completely go against what I said.

"I'm just saying, college will be good. You know I only want what's best for you." Her hands played in my hair, a move she uses when she's trying to get me to agree to something. It works on any topic in the world—except this one.

"And I'm telling you, college is certainly not it." I moved to sit up before running my hands down my face.

"Lena, think about all the things you could do. I just want you to be successful and not ruin that pretty little face of yours in the process."

"I'm not even fighting right now! This is the one thing I won't give up and you know that. It's so frustrating that you always bring it up thinking today's a great day to try and talk me out of it." The sigh that coursed through me was of pure annoyance. 

Reminds you of someone, doesn't she?

She pulled me to face her before placing her hands on either side of my face. "I'm not trying to upset you, my love." A sloppy kiss was applied to my lips. "Don't be mad at me I just really want you to go to school. If you don't want to right now, I understand but I'm hoping eventually your mind will change." She knows it won't. 

Rather than stating that, I nod. I truly hoped she would drop the subject forever, seeing as my answer will never change. My phone buzzed as I got up to stretch. "It's Aldo, he says it's getting busy and he needs you," Emma informed me.

"Fuck. I was supposed to be going to see Nina." An unpleasant look made its way onto my face. "Alright, I'm just gonna go."

Emma stood to walk me to the door. Upon reaching it I turned to give her a quick kiss. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay. I love you." She smiled.

"Love you too." I don't fail to notice the look of disappointment that flashes across her face when I don't correct my self by adding in the word "I". She waits for a second but she knows it won't be said.

I stepped out the door of her cozy home  and into the warm breeze that filled the air. Aldo's request for me was nothing short of perfect timed—allowing me to calm down and not be upset over Emma's words. Hopefully, if I could get there and get everything in a manageable order in time I could still make it to see Nina. The familiar building came into view sooner than I'd expected and I parked and made it inside in record time. I spotted my uncle at a bag in the corner along with a certain curly-haired man. Liam, however, was nowhere to be seen.

People seemed to be all over, spread out like ants. Every bag was full, the ring had people sparring and people lined up waiting for their turn. Ropes and weights were sprawled all about with their respective users. It certainly seemed more packed than usual, the typical echo accompanying a noise now silenced due to the gym being filled. Still, I recognized just about every person in here.

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