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The words that left his mouth, instantly scarred me.
'H-how Long-g for-r?' I tried to asked while blinded with tears that had no sigh of an ending approaching.
'6 mouths' he responded going in for a hug but it was too late. I immediately dropped to the floor, loosing control of my balance. The realisation hitting me that the love of my life will be leavening me for half a year and there's nothing I can do about it.
'Ain't you happy for me?' He said while sitting in the floor next to me. I was heartbroken, angry and upset, we've only just started dating and I'm going to loose him this quickly.
'I don't want to loose you Joon' I said placing my head in between my legs so he couldn't see the tears flowing down my face.
'You're not going to loose me, I love you Tae so much but I need to do this....'
'What about what I need!' I shouted back interrupting him unable to hold back my frustration any longer.

It went silent for a couple of minutes. I couldn't believe how selfish I was. He wants a great future and I'm not supporting him.
'Joon I'm sorr-' I started to say until I was interrupted.
'Get out' he quickly snapped back at me staring down at the floor.
'Please Joon' I said crying even more then I was already, feeling weak. Destroyed.
'GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE' he screamed but this time he quickly stood up and grabbed my arm pulling me up. I let out a scream, scared of his actions. Never in our lifetime friendship has he been like this to me. I gave him one last look but he wasn't looking at me, still the floor, and I left. The door quickly slammed behind me, making me jump and then I feel to my knees again. Unable to move from the sadness taking over my body.

Is this the end of our relationship?
Does he hate me now?
Will I get to say goodbye?
Does he love me?
Did he even love me?
Will he forgot about me?
Was I a joke to him?
Just some fun?
He used me?
He never liked me?
All these questions hitting my brain while walking home in the pitch black night, leaving scars with ever hit. I have never left like this before. I was broken. Completely broken. Unfixable.
Then I fell to the ground, the world around me fading away, until all I saw was darkness...



Let's Ruin The Friendship 😉 •Vmon• Where stories live. Discover now