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Disclaimer: Good Omens, along with its characters, locations, etc. are the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. If I owned the rights to it, I wouldn't still be desperate to meet the man that I absolutely ADORE: David Tennant.


Five Times that Crowley Comforts Aziraphale, and One Time that Aziraphale Comforts Crowley

Chapter 2: Rubbish


The day of Warlock's birthday party (and the day that the Hellhound was released to Adam):

Watching Aziraphale do magic (the fake, sleight of hand kind, not the real, angelic miracles kind) made Crowley cringe in ways that he usually never experienced.

He rarely felt uncomfortable in Aziraphale's company, but that always changed whenever the angel tried to make a coin disappear by hiding it in his hand.

He actively insulted the angel about his abhorrent magic tricks, though the abuses usually lacked any heat.

Frankly, it was getting to the point that Crowley actually found it hard to insult the angel. He increasingly felt displeased every time he would call Aziraphale a name or tell him he was rubbish. Usually, the angel would brush off the abuse, never taking Crowley seriously.

However, in the rare instances that Aziraphale would give Crowley a slight frown, or put his magic equipment away with an air of defeat, the demon felt horrible.

He hadn't taken much time to ponder this development in his feelings toward the angel, keen to focus on stopping the Apocalypse.

So, he tried not to pay attention when Warlock and his blasted friends started bullying Aziraphale.

He attempted to stop listening when they called the angel rubbish, and started throwing food at him. He stared at his watch to make it seem like he wasn't watching.

But, when he looked up and saw Aziraphale packing up his things, smeared with cake and looking just slightly dejected... Crowley felt like throttling every child at the blasted party.

And he wasn't usually one for killing kids.

He wanted to speak to the angel, give him some sort of security that he wasn't so bad. That he maybe wasn't the best magician, but he was amazing at loads of other things.

But, he had to deal with a missing Hellhound.

Perhaps a missing Antichrist.

So he let everything go, allowing his anger at Warlock to drift down and settle somewhere where he could ignore it.

He pointedly turned away as Aziraphale miracle his things into the boot of the Bentley, bringing the dove from his sleeve back to life and then sliding into the car next to Crowley.

He refused to see the look on the angel's face.

Not when he could already feel the disappointment and gloom radiating from his best friend.


Aziraphale loved magic in every sense of the word.

He loved being an angel, able to perform miracles and help out those who needed it (secretly, he also loved being able to miracle himself open tables at particular restaurants, and making sure that customers didn't buy his beloved books).

However, he also loved sleight of hand magic. The kind that you did with special cards and coins and distracting the audience. With hollowed out tables and birds and bunnies.

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