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Disclaimer: Good Omens, along with its characters, locations, etc. are the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. If I owned the rights to it, I wouldn't still be desperate to meet the man that I absolutely ADORE: David Tennant.

A/N: This is the one where they become an item. Nothing explicit, just hugs and cuddles and kisses and the likes.


Five Times that Crowley Comforts Aziraphale, and One Time that Aziraphale Comforts Crowley

Chapter 6: Everything


Fifteen days after the Apocalypse that never was:

It had been roughly two weeks since the near-Apocalypse. Crowley and Aziraphale had taken to spending more and more time together, usually sitting in companionably silence in the bookshop or drinking in Crowley's flat.

Neither was willing to say to the other why they wanted to spend more time together.

Crowley, for his part, felt an insatiable need to be near the angel. Anytime he was by himself for more than a few hours (unless he was sleeping), he started to fluster, shaking and breathing shallowly to the point of a panic attack (even though he didn't need to breathe, and his heartbeat rarely affected him. Only when he was feeling burst of love or loss).

The near-Apocalypse had frightened Crowley to his core. He had never before had to entertain the possibility of never seeing Aziraphale again.

Sure, their relationship had been rough at times. It took Aziraphale centuries to agree to the Arrangement, and even longer for him to grudgingly admit to their friendship. They had their ups and downs, just like any relationship.

Crowley remembered pondering Alpha Centauri, leaving the humans to fend for themselves. And he remembered dismissing the idea as soon as Aziraphale had refused to go with him.

So, Crowley, being intelligent, knew that he had cared about Aziraphale longer than he intended to admit. He knew that he had been entertaining... well... feelings for the angel that weren't entirely made out of friendship material.

Since they almost died, Crowley had seriously attempted to sort out his feeling on Aziraphale. He had thought about telling the angel how he felt, or not telling him anything.

Crowley finally settled to tell his angel nothing, refusing to jeopardize their friendship, which had grown so much stronger since the near-Apocalypse, over his feelings of love.

Yes, Crowley remembered rather vividly what it felt like to love. He remembered being an angel, swimming in the feelings of love and contentment he always felt after making a new star or nebula.

He remembered the adoration he felt for the Almighty before he Fell, despite his feeling on the Great Plan.

But it had been a long time since he felt anything like that. It wasn't that demons were incapable of love, it was just rather difficult for them. Most demons chose to live a malevolent life, refusing to stop anywhere long enough to establish any sort of relationship.

Even the demons that Crowley had known since the Fall refused to take part in anything past a mutual understanding.

Even Crowley had attempted to take part in the ways of the demons around him, attempting to avoid relationships, moving on and changing himself whenever he started to feel attached to a certain place.

But Aziraphale... for all that Crowley was worth... he loved him.

He loved Aziraphale with his whole being, with everything that he was. He loved the angel so fully, so completely, that he felt physically ill if he spent too much time away.

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