18. Stark expo

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The stark expo was created by Howard Stark & it ran from 1943 to 1974, until it was revived by Tony Stark tonight. The expo main aim was to bring minds together from around the world to improve quality of life for mankind and the world in the future. I was more than irritated when I found out last minute Tony would be flying down from the plane onto the stage for his grand entrance in his ironman armour, I couldn't belief the craziness he has in him or his egoistic behaviour is reaching the sky after the ironman armour I couldn't tell. I just stood at the backstage with a bottle of red wine clenching my jaws as Ana & Happy stood besides me, hoping I wouldn't create a scene out here in the opening night of the expo.

Of course I wouldn't create a scene but by the look I've on my face at this moment & the bottle of wine I'm holding didn't give them a good vibe at all. We were all waiting for Tony's grand entrance & the crowd was going insane, Tony was really famous from the start being a billionaire blessed with brains & looks & of course a play boy & now being ironman his popularity has reached the highest limits of mankind. He was like a god to many as people look upto him with enormous love & respect & sometimes it gets to me because I feel like his head is up in the clouds & he couldn't see what's really going on around him.

"He's coming down" Happy informed me as I sipped my wine "Mam" Ana looked at me worriedly as she saw I've already drank half of it. Then in an instant Tony was on stage as the crowd cheered like it was the last night of their lives & as the ironman armour came off & Tony stood there in front of them in a black tuxedo with sexy dancers in red dancing behind him, the crowd was losing it. Tony began his speech by praising himself as ironman & brining the longest uninterrupted period of world peace, I couldn't take it anymore "Ana" I called as I put the bottle down & walked out of the expo as lights & cameras followed us, my driver was quick enough to get the car on time for us to escape.

As I got into the car I watched the live news that was going on
"Please, this is not about me. It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for the future generations. And that's why for the next year and for the first time since 1974, the best & the brightest men & women of nations & cooperations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a bright future. It's not about us. Therefore, what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything, is welcome back...to the stark expo"
Tony said as the crowd cheered & praised him. I closed the screen & closed my eyes, oh god what have I got myself into?

"Babe?" Tony called as he entered the penthouse "I think she's asleep" Happy murmured.

"She don't sleep this early" Tony said "I told you boss is a little pissed & she's a bit tipsy as well" Happy said slowly but I could clearly hear them because the living area echos, since the apartment is new & empty.

"Good night!" Tony shut the main door as I heard Happy banging it slowly trying not to make a loud sound but Tony totally ignored his warnings & walked into the bedroom "babe" he called slowly as he stood at the edge of the bed. He could clearly see I was shuffling my playlist from my iPod but he couldn't see my face so, he slowly pulled the blanket down "you mad?" He asked gently as he sat beside me, I turned to the other side as he exhaled & pulled my earplugs out.

"Tony" I hissed as I got up & gazed at him.

"What?" he looked at me in an questionable manner.

"Forget it" I rolled my eyes as I got up & grabbed my pillow "What the?" Tony murmured as he grabbed the other end of my pillow.

"Give me that?" I commanded as I looked at him.

"Love you are going nowhere" he said as he quickly pulled the pillow & tossed it away. I clenched my jaws as I walked towards the door but he was quick enough to block it "move" I demanded but he shook his head "I'll smack you" I warned but he just raised his brows "what do you want?" I finally asked getting quite annoyed.

"I want to know, what's going on with you?" he looked at me as I scoffed "what's going on with me, are you insane. Look at you?"

"Oh! now, I'm the bad guy" he folded his arms.

"You're so full of yourself Tony, and your armour" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not" he defended himself.

"Yes, you are" I protested "ever since Afghanistan everything is going out of order & now you & your armour, it's like you're in a relationship with that armour & I'm here hanging around" I said.

"What no!" He protested.

"Tony, you don't see that but I do. You are obsessed with that thing" I said slowly.

"Babe, why do you say that...you know that's my suit it's a part of me & you, you are my life. The reason of my existence" he looked at me.

"I don't know, Tony" I shrugged as he pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry, I know I've been occupied lately but don't ever think that there's anything more valuable than you".

"What is this?" I murmured as I reached into his pocked & pulled out a device "that's nothing" he chuckled nervously & I knew it was something important as I looked down at it, I got the shock of my life "oh my god Tony! What the fuck is this?" I screamed as I shoved the device on his face.

"It's nothing" he clearly lied on my face.

"Blood toxicity 33%" I was about to lose my mind, what was he hiding from me.

"Babe, just calm down" he moved closer.

"Stop! right there Tony. Now tell me what the hell is this or I'm leaving" I threatened.

"What?" his eyes widen in shock.

"I'm not joking" I yelled.

"It's just something, I'm testing" he said.

"I don't belief you" I admitted.

"Babe, it's nothing trust me" he forced a smile.

"When you stop lying, I'll trust you" I said as I walked out from the bedroom. Tony just stood there with guilt in his eyes & I knew he was hiding something from me, I just didn't know what "Happy, can you come pick me up?" I called Happy on the phone as he answered right away by the next minute he was at the door.

"Mam?" Happy knocked as I opened the door.

"Take me to the nearest hotel" I said as he nodded, then I caught him looking at Tony as Tony shook his head telling him not to tell me what's wrong & that really pissed me off even more as I walked out of the apartment with Happy.

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