34. Stay here with me

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"Phil, is that you?" I gazed at the elevator door opening as he walked in "yes" he smiled brightly.

"Isn't that agent Coulson? How's he Phil?" Tony questioned suspiciously as he walked towards me holding the breakfast tray.

"Sorry, to disturb you guys in the morning but it's important" Coulson mentioned as he came forward & handed Tony a file.

"I don't like things being handed to me & you can leave" Tony muttered as he took a seat.

"Actually, I like things being handed over" I smiled as I took the file, it was kind of heavy as I noticed it was not stacks of papers.

"Babe" Tony looked up at me as he poured us coffee "will you like to join us for breakfast, Phil?" I asked as Tony responded "no, he won't".

"Tony" I muttered as Coulson chuckled "it's okay, I get it...I got to go as well".

"And how do you know his name is Phil?" Tony asked as Coulson got into the elevator & waved us goodbye. "Stop your suspicions & let's dig in" I chuckled low as I joined him for breakfast.

"Is this the avengers initiative?" Ryan asked as he looked down on the file.

"I guess" I mumbled as I was busy with my laptop.

"You told him?" Tony looked at me as Ryan replied "he did buddy".

"Then you know, I was not qualified right?" Tony murmured as Ryan chuckled "that, I've no idea of".

"Don't lie to me buddy" Tony scoffed as he walked towards us "I've no interest in this".

"Just take a look, it's no harm" I looked up at him as he folded his arms "nope".

"Come on buddy" Ryan patted his back as Tony muttered "you guys" as he picked the file up & walked towards the table & in an instant dozen of video clips were playing on the screens but I wasn't paying any attention to it, I had work to do but Ryan was quite focused as I could hear him gasping. "Babe, take a look" Tony called as I got up & walked towards them "what are these?" I asked slowly as I saw video clips of a huge green man, another was a good looking man in blonde, a man with his bow & arrows & then agent Ramanoff as well.

"The avengers" Tony mumbled.

"You got homework" I said as Tony shook his head "no, I don't".

"When you're done with all these, you & I will have our little alone time again" I smirked a bit as Tony beamed "for real, like last night?" as Ryan looked at us "can you guys please not talk about these shits" as we both chuckled "let me not spill the beans about you & your little get togethers, to your sister" Tony grinned as Ryan rolled his eyes "for real, bro".

"I'm just pulling your leg" Tony teased as he punched his arms.

"Like you don't have any interesting stories in your pasts" Ryan reminded as Tony murmured "here we go again" as I chuckled "guys, whatever it is...the past is the past".

"And that's how you know, she's a keeper" Tony smirked as he hugged me from behind.

"And that's my que" Ryan mumbled as he made his exist "your brother is an ass sometimes, you know" Tony murmured as I nodded "I know" as he sniffed me "and you're an angel".

"And you are no less than Ice & Jerry, with the sniffings" I chuckled.

"Well, I can't deny my girlfriend or should I say wifey...smells this good" he rest his chin on my shoulder "don't go there" I mumbled.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because I can be Tony's wife but ironman, I don't know" I murmured.

"So does this mean, you are accepting my proposal?" Tony grabbed me tighter.

"Does this mean you are proposing?" I teased as he turned me around "you serious?" as I chuckled "Tony, you know I'm not into marriage".

"What does that mean?" Tony looked at me.

"That means, my mind is not set to marry right now" I pecked his lips as he looked at me in disbelief "this woman" as he started tickling me "Stop" I said out of breath as he pressed his lips against mine "whatever you say, your mine...you got me".

"Cos your ironman?" I joked as he smirked "because I am your man".

"Then my man go on with your homework, in saving the world" I said gently as I tied my hair up in a bun "does that mean, you're not upset of me being ironman as well?" he looked at me.

"Tony, I know it's dangerous but at the end of the day you & the armour...you both are one & I love you both equally" I giggled as he smirked "can you hear that Jarvis" as the A.I responded "LOUD & CLEAR SIR".

"See you soon" I winked as I picked up my purse "and where are you going?" Tony caught up to me.

"Home" I mumbled.

"You are home, here with me" he said.

"I know babe, but you need to work" I mentioned as he held his head low "after this you know what we will do, don't you?" I cheered him up a bit as he beamed "well then I got to finish this asap".

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