10. Stark mansion

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Pepper called as she walked into the living area.

GOOD MORNING PEPPER, I heard Jarvis wishing her as I walked down the stairs "hi" I smiled as I saw her looking up at me, Ice & Jerry followed wagging their tails behind.

"Good morning, Mam" she wished "good morning" I wished her back.

"Mam, can I have a word with you?" She asked as I nodded "outside" she whispered as we walked out, she turned her head in every direction as if someone was spying on us.

"Anything?" I asked curiously.

"I don't want Mr Stark to over hear us" she told me.

"He's not home, he left early testing that suit of his" I murmured "I know Mam, but he has this hi-tech technologies around him you see" she mentioned as I nodded "he does".

"What Mr Stark is creating & what he is doing, is dangerous" she said slowly "he has made lots of competitors & enemies in this business, and I fear for the worst now".

"I know pepper but you know Tony, how stubborn he is" I murmured.

"I know Mam, but deep down you know after the suit everything is going to change. Don't you?" she looked at me as I gave a deep sigh "I know pepper".

"You need to talk to him Mam, before it's too late" she said "I'll pep, thanks for your concern" I smiled as she nodded & left.

Ice & Jerry we're playing in the playground of theirs digging the sands & hiding their bones when Tony showed up "good morning family".

"You know, you have already wished us good morning thrice right?" I looked at him as he chuckled "but I can't stop calling us a family".

"Your new obsession" I chuckled low as he hugged me from behind "ummm hmmm".

"And your suit?" I asked as he chuckled a bit "you & your problem with that suit".

"The thing is I'm worried, Tony" I stated as he rested his chin on my shoulder "why?"

"I know you want to change the world, but with that suit of yours comes a price. You know that right?" I murmured "I know hon but you know deep down, what I'm doing is right isn't it? Everyone has a purpose on earth & I've found mine" he said.

"I'm just scared, scared to lose you" my voice heavy.

"Hey, you won't" he kissed the back of my head "just remain calm, I hate when you stress out. It stresses me out more".

"I know but" I mumbled "no buts, let's head in for breakfast. You know what I'm making" he said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Omelette" I giggled.

"You know me so well" he kissed my cheek.

"Ryan, I didn't know you were here" I murmured as I walked into the garage & saw Ryan & Tony together.

"Sis, did you see this?" his eyes widen as he gazed towards the iron suit in amazement as I nodded "I did" okay, now I'm in deep trouble Ryan is going to spill the beans to my dad.

"I cannot belief it, the man in the news is our very own Tony Stark here" he said proudly as he patted Tony's back as I looked at Tony in annoyance, does he have to show & tell Ryan everything. I'm sure he has seen everything by now cos I was at work for the past ten hours & I'm sure Ryan was here the whole day by the mess I saw on the table.

"What's wrong babe?" Tony looked at me as he poured himself a drink "you want one?" He asked as I folded my arms "no, thank you".

"Sis" Ryan came & pulled me towards him "the things this suit can do, oh my god! Dad would be so amazed, I can't wait to let him see it in person" he told me as I gulped "why are you so silent?" He looked at me.

"I had a long day Ryan, I want to hit the shower & doze off" I muttered.

"Let's celebrate, it's only 9 o'clock" he looked down on his watch.

"I'm exhausted, I got up by four in the morning cos of Tony & then ten hours of office load" I exhaled as I grabbed my purse "you guys celebrate by yourself" as I walked towards the door "honey, come on" Tony said as I shook my head & walked upstairs. I took a warm shower & tugged myself but half way down my sleep I hear the bass of the speakers, what the hell were these two guys upto it was already mid night & I wanted to sleep. I got out from my bed & heard Ice & Jerry barking from their room, they were alarmed by the noises downstairs. I hushed them & made my way down & to my horror saw a bunch of strangers partying in the living area "what the fuck!" I said to myself as I walked towards the dj "what the fuck is going on?" I asked as he told me Tony threw the party an hour ago "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I said to myself as I searched for Tony but in this big ass mansion, it was not easy to locate him especially in this crowd & I just got up from a half slumber so my brain was not functioning properly. The best way to locate someone is to ask Jarvis so I did & he lead me towards the kitchen where Tony was, he was all high & whisking eggs for some ladies as I saw a dozen of egg shells around him as Ryan lounged outside the kitchen in the arms of a random stranger "who the hell is this?" I asked Ryan as he looked up at me, half asleep "scoot" I looked down on the lady as she gulped & left, she knew I was Ryan's sister & I don't have a good temper "what will Marissa feel, if she sees you like this?" I looked at Ryan mentioning his girlfriend Marissa Brown.

"I'm sorry" he apologised as he dozed off, I rolled my eyes as I stood up leaving him comfortably on the sofa he was on & walked into the kitchen.

"Tony" I cleared my throat as I stood beside him, he was very busy making scrambled eggs.

"Babe, you're awake" he smiled as he introduced me to the three ladies around him proudly "this is my girlfriend, Coco".

"Coco William" they smiled at me gracefully only because they know my background & what family I come from, or else I knew these kind of bitches who would do anything to get with Tony. I completely ignored them as I looked at Tony "enough of your nonsense, upstairs now".

"But" his expression changed.

"Upstairs or I'm leaving" I warned as he held his head low & followed me "mr dj, the party is over" I said as he nodded & informed the crowd as people were disappointed as they walked out the door "you & I are going to have a word, first thing in the morning" I looked at Tony as he gulped, he knew I was pissed af & there's no going back.

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