40. After effect

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"Do you see that?" Cindy looked at me in horror as I nodded, some big looking alien creatures/robots that looks like centipedes has flooded the skies "What are they?" She asked.

"I've no idea" I muttered, we saw a black jet going down & I really hoped Natasha was not in there. Then in an instant those alien creatures came crashing into the building & shooting aimlessly as screams were heard from all corners, the ceilings were falling & windows were shattering as we crawled under the tables trying our best not to get hit but to my ill luck in the middle of the crossfire & the pushing & pulling I was hit on the head, I felt myself losing my senses as the world became blurry. I don't remember for how long I've been knocked out but a sense came to me when Cindy was shaking me with the help of her staff members, we were all inside the safety of her storage room. I couldn't make out their faces but I could see the blurry image of Cindy & she telling me "Tony is on the line" but I couldn't respond, I think I lost a lot of blood as I lost my senses again.

I could hear the monitor beeping as I opened my tired eyes, I gazed around & I found myself inside the hospital room filled with red roses & balloons as I looked down I saw Tony sitting on a chair as he rested his head on my bed besides my thighs, he was fast asleep. The nurse walked in & smiled as she saw me awake "Mr Stark" she called as Tony raised up his head & turned "Mam, is awake" she said as Tony quickly turned his head & faced me "babe" he said softly as I could clearly see, how badly bruised he looked as tears welled up his eyes. I forced a smile as he embraced me & kissed my head "I'm so sorry".

"It's not your fault" I mumbled as he smiled & kissed my lips "I'm so glad, you are okay".

"I'm glad to see you are okay" I beamed as Cindy walked in "Coco" she beamed as she saw me awake "Cindy" I smiled as we hugged "what happened?"

"Long story short, you hit the back of your head hon & you lost a lot of blood" she said.

"I'm really sorry babe, I should have been there" Tony apologised as I said "this has nothing to do with you, Tony" then I remembered my dogs "where's Ice & Jerry? Are they okay?"

"They are safe & sound, Pepper & Ryan are taking good care of them" Tony said as I gave a sigh of relief "and your dad & grams are here too" he added.

"At the hospital?" I asked as he nodded "yeah".

"Did we win?" I asked as he replied "we did, babe".

"I'm sure you did great, as always" I smiled at him proudly as he cupped my face "I failed to protect the one thing I couldn't live without" his voice heavy.

"This is not your fault, stop blaming yourself" I mumbled as I kissed his forehead "let me go & call grams & uncle" he smiled as he stood up & left.

"When you were knocked out, Tony called...to talk to you but you couldn't respond since you were not in your senses, he called you because he wanted to talk to you that very moment he was in between a life & death situation...a nuke was send in Manhattan & Tony was the one who had to fly the nuke up the portal before it closed to save us all" Cindy said as I looked at her in horror "what?"

"Yes, I know it's hard but I thought you should know" she looked at me as my heart sank, how much does Tony has to bear this burden of his to save this dying world & always end up in a situation where he doesn't know if he will live to see another day.

"Thank you, for being honest" I smiled.

Grams & dad walked in "my angel" grams beamed as she walked up to me, she was slow but she didn't need anyone's help to walk.

"Grams" I smiled at her as she kissed my head "we were so worried Tony was up on the air & you on the ground" as dad looked at us & smiled "but by god's grace, everything's fine now".

"Yes dad" I mumbled as he kissed my head "I'm proud of you".

"Hello there" Ryan walked in as Pepper followed "guys" I beamed as I saw them, this was the first time we were all together in one place after they started dating a weird situation to meet. Pepper kept the basket on the table as she came & hugged me gently "you okay?" As I nodded "yes".

"You are a savage you know that" Ryan chuckled as he came forward & rubbed my back.

"There's nothing savage about waking up in a hospital" I chuckled as he looked at me "you fought your way out from the tower to the restaurant, didn't you" as I giggled "that was nothing".

"Without you, I'd still be stuck in Stark tower Coco" Cindy looked at me as Tony came & sat besides me "and without you, I'd not have the strength & the courage to take that nuke up...you know I did that because I knew you were in manhattan & I had to protect you by all means".

"I love you guys" I mumbled as Tony kissed my head "and we love you more".


Cramps 🙄

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