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The main reason the Scamander twins wanted to become Magizoolgist was not only to continue their family Legacy but instead to also find the cure of lycanthropy

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The main reason the Scamander twins wanted to become Magizoolgist was not only to continue their family Legacy but instead to also find the cure of lycanthropy.

Working with Magical Creatures, was that they had beneficial information on all kinds of antidotes and contagions alike.

"Do you think it can be a reverse reaction?" Evanie asked her brother who furrowed his brows at the parchment she slid over to him.

"So, toxins?" He asked and she nodded making him shiver at the thought of him drinking poison that could kill him over curing. "I don't know Nini, I get sometimes it's an antidote but that's more of muggle practices" She sighed and nodded to his words.

"Makes sense" She responded opening another book," I was hoping Papa Newt would find something by now"

"Well he is still trying" Ezekiel shrugged his shoulder," We'll see him soon enough, and maybe he would have found something, if Mama Tina let's him" He looked at her rummage through another set of parchments "Anyways, let's change the subject for a moment" He said brightly taking the parchment stack from her hands away.

"I was using that" She complained making him roll his eyes," Oh come off it Nini, it's only for a moment"

"Yeah, a single moment of being able to find out anything that can help us" She argued. He frowned at her stuffing the paper in a large book before him.

"So, what's going on with you and Lupin?" She snapped her head up to him and narrowed her eyes," What makes you think something is going on?"

"The way you both look like your having eye sex every time you look at each other" Those words made her face burn

"Wh—eye sex—Bloody hell Ezekiel Scamander!" She cursed making him snort

"Even Evans seems to notice it as well; why'd you think we didn't stay at the table the pair of you were on the other day. The sexual tension was suffering!"

"Scamander One and Two!" Madam Pince said sternly making them flinch," If you two are going to continue talking, I will remove you both myself"

The twins recoiled behind the stack of books as she walked away. Ezekiel snickered behind his hand and looked at his sister," I think that's the most I've heard her say anything" He whispered softly

"She didn't even say 'Shhhhh'" Evanie mocked their librarian as they both laughed quietly.

Her brother then narrowed his eyes," Don't think this topic is over Nini, I will get answers"

"Well good luck because there is nothing to solve!" She huffed a little too loudly getting the infamous 'Shhh!' from Madam Pince

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