Chapter Three- My Mom.

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"So, I've heard you had some, ah, 'incident' at school."


"You gave a girl a nosebleed, Lilly!"

I was back at home, fighting with my mom. She refused to believe that the girl elbowed me in the face first. I stomped up to my room and screamed into my pillow. Why didn't she understand? Couldn't she just take my side for once? I stayed like that for about an hour, when there was a knock on my door.

"Go away, mom," I yelled. She came in anyway.

"I'm sorry, honey," she said softly."Lanee came and told me what happened-"

"Which I've been telling you for the past hour and a half! Can't you just except what I say is true for once?!"

"Like I said, I'm sorry. Listen, I'll prove it. If you want to have a birthday party on Friday, I won't object."

I sat straight up."Really?"

"Sure. Who do you want to invite?"

I thought for a moment. Lanee and Jimmy, obviously. Then I thought about Caleb, and his crush on Lanee. I decided to give him a shot.

"I want Jimmy, Lanee, and Caleb."

"Who's- Um, that's it?"

"Who else can you think of?!"

"Okay, okay. We'll make it happen."

"Thanks, mom!" I yelled as she got up from my bed and left the room. I called Lanee and told her what had happened. We both sat one the phone, silently screaming.


It was hard going to school the next day, especially since every popular was glaring at me like I was a newly found disease. Apparently Jenna was still at home.

Oh well.

Friday night came really, really slowly. I almost got beat up about six times that day, so either Caleb or Jimmy had to follow me to each of my classes and pick me up from school. After school, Jimmy was already over, and looking uncomfortable, so I called over Lanee and Caleb. Lanee came in her PJ's.

"I'm spending the night, and there's nothing you can do about it." she told me.


What the cuss.

My mom wasn't home yet, so we went up stairs to play some "games".

We played Pretty Pretty Princess.

And Jimmy won.

The next game we played, Twister, Lanee called while I played with two boys that are both a lot taller than me.


"Left foot green!" she called, giggling.

"But that's on the other side of the board!" I yelled.

"I know."



I put my left foot on green, and then was crushed be Caleb.

"Can't. Breath." I whispered hoarsely and Lanee laughed the crap out of herself.

"Nice job Wonder Woman. Really nice," she said.

"It's not my fault you called the most difficult ones!"

"Hey, how about we play spin the bottle?" Lanee suggested, and everyone was silent."What? We're big kids now. Unless you guys are scared," she taunted.

"No freaking way. C'mon boys, you're playing," I said. Surprisingly, they followed.


We were all upstairs, sitting in a circle with Caleb's half drank Coke bottle in the middle.

"Okay," Lanee said,"Here are the rules. 1: Full on the mouth kiss. 2: You've gotta wrap your arms around each other. 3: It will be a 2 minute kiss. 4: If it's not 2 minutes, which I will be timing, whoever breaks off will have to do a dare, chosen by me, and the game ends.".

"Who's spinning first?" I asked. no one volunteered. "Okay, Jimmy, spin."

"Why me-"

"SPIN." I said, and he spun it. It went around in circles for a minute, and I closed my eyes. I heard Lanee scream excitedly, and I opened my eyes, hoping to see them leaning in together.

What I got was Jimmy staring at me pale, and Caleb and Lanee giggling.

The bottle had landed on me.

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