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'I'm tired. My legs are heavy. I can't breathe properly. But I must continue. I have to get there. Before my time is over.' Makoto thought as he continued to walk up the stairs to the roof.

After taking the final step he opened the door. In front of him stood a blonde girl. One of his friends. His comrade. Someone precious to him. There stood Aigis.

She stood there, watching down from the roof. Cherry blossom leaves flew on, as the wind carried it. Everything felt so slow to Makoto.

Aigis turned to face him. A sad smile on her face. "We meet again." She said sadly.

Makoto didn't say anything. He only continued to walk to her but stumbled in midway. He fell but not before Aigis caught him. All his energy was gone.

Aigis smiled as she hugged Makoto. "Welcome back. Makoto-san."

Makoto closed his eyes and smiled. Enjoyed every last of his moment with her. There was a quiet moment with him and her.

Aigis helped him to rest. She sat down on the chair and let his head rest on her metallic thighs. Aigis wasn't sure if he felt comfortable or not but Makoto didn't mind it. He felt peaceful.

The wind continued to blow gently. His hair and her hair gently swayed back and forth. Everything felt so peaceful to him as the two of them only stared at each other in the eye.

Aigis looked up as the cherry blossom leaves flew. "The breeze feels nice, doesn't it? I finally understand now." Aigis spoke and Makoto only looked at her. Listening carefully.

"The end that will surely come. Only those who were able to face the truth that it will come to them will be able to find it. What it is that proves you're alive."

She lowered her head and their eyes met again. They looked so sad. They looked like she wanted to cry... but couldn't.

"I have found it, too. My reason for living, my purpose for living."

Makoto couldn't help but admire the scenery he saw.

"I... I want to go on protecting you, forever. I want to lend you my strength. That's what it means to me, to be alive."

Her tone got sadder and sadder. Makoto wanted to say something but couldn't. His hands rested on his chest and eyes only looked at her.

Aigis placed her hand on Makoto's hands. She held them gently as she looked at him with a sad smile.

"You must be exhausted. You should get some rest now. I'll always be here for you." She said quietly.

Makoto smiled at her. He was grateful for her for saying those words. For doing this for him.

"You'll be seeing the others soon, too. You have nothing to worry about. I'll always be by your side, protecting you."


Another voice appeared.

"Makoto!" The same voice shouted. Makoto looked to his side. In front of him, ran all his friends towards him. They were shouting his name. Calling him. Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Fuuka, Ken, and Koromaru.

Makoto couldn't help again but smile. He was again grateful for his friends. His smile was from the bottom of his heart as he looked at his friends. And that was the moment their friend. Their leader. Their loved one. Passed away.

Makoto Yuki. A hero. A savior. A messiah. Has passed away.


Gudao woke up. His eyes opened slowly. He raised his body up. His legs dropping to the floor as he sat on the bed's side. That was a strange dream.

His room door opened and his Demi-Servant came out. "Senpai, are you awake?" asked the gentle voice.

Gudao raised his head up. He saw Mash in front of him and Fou on her shoulder. Mash saw her Senpai sitting on the bed awake. She became worried as she saw her Senpai.

"Senpai, is something wrong?" Gudao was confused. He tilted his head to the side.

"Nothing. Why?" He asked. "You are crying." Mash answered back.

Gudao touched his cheek and felt something wet. He raised his fingers to his eyes and felt the tears. He wiped his tears away with his forearm.

"Are you sure nothing is wrong, Senpai?" Mash asked worriedly.

Gudao only nodded and said, "I saw a sad dream. I wonder if that's the reason."

"A sad dream?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Don't worry." Gudao said while smiling. "Is something going on at the moment?" he asked.

"Gudako has gathered enough Saint Quartz and is trying to summon a new Servant."

"Then we should go and see her do it." Gudao said as he stood up. The two of them walked down the hall and walked in the room where Da Vinci, Romani, and Gudako are.

"Is the summoning going well?" Gudao asked. All the people inside the room looked at Gudao.

"Oh! Good morning, Gudao." Da Vinci said as she smiled. "Gudako hasn't started yet because we waited for you."

"For me? Why?"

"Because you are a good luck charm when I summon a new Servant." Gudako answered. "We also need Mash's shield to do the summoning process." she continued.

"Mash, if you would." Gudako said as she pointed at the summoning circle.

"Yes!" Mash said as she summoned her shield and placed it in the center of the summoning circle. After she had placed her shield down, she walked away from the summoning circle.

Gudako walked near the summoning circle and took out 30 Saint Quartz. She threw them inside the summoning circle and the circle glowed brightly. From the shield, came out three rings. After the rings, came out a pillar of light. It glowed first blue and white. Then bright yellow. Every person in the room closed their eyes because of the brightness.

The light disappeared and from the light appeared a young boy with blue hair. His outfit looked like a school uniform. From his neck, hanged headphone, and an old type mp3 player. He has a white belt that held a thing that looked like a gun. He has an armband which says "S.E.E.S". In his left hand, he held a sword, a European sword to be exact. His silver eyes looked around until he saw Gudako looking at him.

"Ruler, Makoto Yuki, nice to meet you."

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