2 ⇻ a damned who

126 14 39

Heading home, I thought over the entire "interview" and couldn't help the bubble of excitement that rose within me. One of the things I had been looking forward to in college was living on my own with roommates and friends and the whole experience. It wasn't something I expected to actually do, but here I was nearly set to move in.

I couldn't wait to tell–oh shit.

I stopped in my tracks, spinning around on my heels as I ran across the street, sideswiping a car that was about to turn left onto the street. A honk sounded behind me as I waved an arm back halfheartedly in apology.

With one hand, I slipped my phone out of my pocket and typed up a quick message.


JOHN: yeah, are u still at the interview?

SUMMER: just finished! i'm on my way to peet's

JOHN: ok, i'll be in here, no rush. do u want me to grab you something?

I didn't bother answering, instead speeding up and thanking heaven that I decided to wear sneakers today instead of the three inch Mary Janes I stressed over. Luckily, there weren't any red lights on my walk three blocks back, so I was able to just speedwalk straight through.

Peet's Coffee seemed to be just as full as Starbucks had been. However like Dawn, John had a striking hair color that not many people had. His redhead poked above the crowd. There was a grin on his face that I thought had been directed at me, but then he spoke. Of course I couldn't hear him over the crowd and since I was a good distance away from him, he was most definitely not talking to me.

"I'm here," I texted him, before squeezing my way through everyone.

I watched him look down. From the way he started to search around, I guessed he finally saw my text. I tried to wave my hand around, except I wasn't too blessed in the height department, so it was futile.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

JOHN: where are you,

ME: heading towards you! stuck in crowd

ME: hep hep

I didn't know Peet's to ever be that crowded. I expected it of Starbucks, but thinking back, since that place was also crowded, I guess the others who couldn't fit decided to cross the street. And then arose the same problem.


"Excuse me," I grunted as I squeezed between two tall guys. "Passing through."

"Summer," John exclaimed, holding up his coffee cup. The redhead slid passed a few people, nodding in greeting before guiding me through the crowd. "Good news!"

"You met some friends?" I guessed, glancing back at the people he was waving at.

"Nah, they go to your school," he replied. He wound his arm around me and tugged me forward eagerly. "Come on! I want to introduce you to him."

"Introduce me to who?"

I hadn't seen him so eager over anything since the last Mortal Kombat game came out. And even then, it was only a big grin that was quickly replaced by days holed up in his rooms with only the sound of crushed bones, sliced skin, and splattered blood.

Every time I walked by, the gore stopped me in my tracks.

Well, stopped me out of fascination. Really, the graphics of the game were pretty high quality. That excitement lasted for a month before he roped me into getting into the game. Personally, I still sucked but I had a bit of a crush on Jade and Cetrion.

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