prologue ⇻ a damned beginning

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jk im impatient do with this what u will see u choosday!!!

Humans are such ungrateful little shits. You give them everything they need for a successful life and what do they do?





    The Seven Sins.



Don't get me wrong. I'm not ungrateful for those things. They're why I still have a job and will continue to do so, but really you'd think they were made to be good. That God had made the first beings ever nude because material things didn't matter. Just confidence and strutting your stuff.

I kind of miss those days.

But I also love suits and Italian leather.

    They cost loathes of money and I am nothing but a hypocrite. I love criticizing and judging humans for all the things above and still practice some of it.

    (Not counting being a pro-lifer.)

    And then there are the good few. The ones just getting by that I can't really help. It's out of my power to do things for free and I don't really wanna solicit them for one of the most precious things they have. Souls are the only valuable currency to me.

    The impure ones especially. They fuel Hell and my workers.

    Unfortunately, sometimes some good ones slip into Hell. Not of their own accord, though. Demons, as you'd know, aren't the purest beings. They thrive on all the bad. Love it. Do as much as they can to indirectly charge them up. Incite the do-badders.

    I try to weed those shits out, but they multiply like cockroaches and I'm not the spry young fallen angel I was eons ago.

    But back to the whole point of my introducing this story that is not mine.

    I am a father.

    Surprise, surprise! I have four kids. All sons. The bastards.

    The Powers That Be decided to punish me by making me fertile. The gall of them. I'd asked all their mothers if they wanted to abort them, but each and every one of my baby mothers had baby fever at the time.

    Not sure if that was natural or demon-incited, but what was I to do?

I'm rambling.

You, the reader, will find out all of this later because this specific human gets to be extremely curious about these things. (Also, the Powers That Be don't exactly have all the answers at the moment.)

One of my sons had fallen in love. He's barely turned twenty and he's head over heels in love. With a human.

Can you believe that?

I know there's an abundance of them in the world. I understand that they were bound to have several flings with them. And, maybe, to fall in love I guess. (Didn't realize my blood was capable of doing that.)

Although, I did think that they might have been more inclined to half demons, but their choice. Whatever. It's not me who's imprisoning myself to one person.

Anyway. My son.

I guess it shouldn't have surprised me that he would be the one to find someone first. He was the romantic type, flirts with anyone and everyone he found attractive. He also had a thing for reading romance books. (I think he got that from his mom. She owned a whole library and wrote a whole collection of them. Practically raised him on it until he came to live with me when she got sick.)

Again, I'm going off on a tangent. Let's get to it. You're probably tired of me talking. I'm tired of me talking.

My son fell in love with a girl who was destined to die young. And it just so happened, she had a horrible father. He was one of the impurest souls I ever had and he had already sold his to a crossroad demon when he was in high school. When he got his baby mama pregnant and needed a way out, he had souled his unborn daughter's soul to a greedy and desperate crossroads demon who worshipped Rumplestiltskin.

So she died.

Got hit by a drunk driver while she was walking home from a study session. Died on impact. Soul went to Hell.

Yadda yadda yadda.

My son was torn. Incredibly torn. Didn't talk to anyone for months. Barely left his room. And I felt bad, so I looked into her.

I didn't expect to resurrect her. Only to see what she was like, find him another nice girl. Someone who was still alive. But, frankly,I shouldn't have been able to resurrect her–not without a huge sacrifice because she was one of the pure souls. Considerate. Humble. Hard-working. She wasn't supposed to go to Hell, you see.

But if she hadn't, this whole resurrection thing would not have been possible. I didn't have the power to resurrect someone who'd gone to the many better places up there like Willow did in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

(Sidenote: I know, sorry. Interrupting again but as much of a fan of musicals, I do not look as horrendous as the devil in the "Once More, With Feeling" episode nor do I curse people as he did.) (My demons do the cursing.)

But if there was one thing we can thank her no good father for, it was for this opportunity.

Resurrections were bitches. I did one at least once a century because tipping the balance of life and death? That's some powerful shit. I tired of messing with it a while back. So, anyways–not to bore you with all details–it took a whole year of nonstop piecing together the scattered bits of her soul, traveling at lightspeed from one end of the universe to the other.

I more than deserved that six month nap.

Now she's living under my roof. For free. College tuition fully paid.

And she was arguing with me because she wants to move out? The ridiculousness.

That's not the personality I was advertised. She was supposed to be grateful for everything I did for her and follow all the rules dutifully. She was supposed to be happy under my care with all my sons and then she was supposed to make my son happy and get him back to his usual self.

But nope. She wants to move out and I'm getting tired of arguing about it with her.

So fine! She can go! Deal with unreasonable roommates! Get a horrible customer service job that barely pays minimum wage! Pay those stupid taxes!

I won't me–wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

I know how I can salvage my plan.

I lean over a purple haired girl's shoulder as she posts up a roommate ad, delving into her head and her roommate situation.

And then I find it.

With a grin, I step back and give her space. She doesn't notice me standing right behind her and I see her catch sight of my son's Summer. A flicker of recognition passes across her eyes and my grin widens.

Oh, I have an idea.

thank you for reading!

thank you for reading!

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