21.25 ⇻ a damned visit

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a.n. so originally, this was gonna be a continuation. and the second plan was that it would be one part, but it was getting a little long! so we will be with our friend here for another part (idk when that'll be uploaded but oh well)

What was it about Tuesdays? Every time something bad was about to happen, it was on a Tuesday--at least, that was the case for Dawn.

On this particular day, it had started off normal enough. Sure, she woke up late for class. Sure, that was a rarity, but it wasn't the end of the world.

Or so she thought.

After rushing through her morning routine and skipping on the makeup, she had just barely made it to the bus. Class was currently in session and she was hoping to the beings above that she'd make it for any surprise quizzes. Pulling out her calendar from her bag's front pocket, she flipped the book open to this week.

Her eyes searched for the assignments due today, trying to remember if she had completed them the night before. "I should have been done with everything," she muttered to herself, ignoring the looks her seatmate was giving her.

And that was when her gaze fell on the reminder written in bold across the entire day: "MIDTERM!!!!"

"Oh fuck," Dawn cursed, instinctively standing up in her seat just as the driver made a sharp right. The momentum through Dawn off, making her fall across the laps of the people sitting on the other side.

Grunts of anger and annoyance fell on her as she was roughly shoved off them. She returned apologies as she reached for the notebook that fell down the steps to the lower section and was just nearly about to miss pulling on the stop to campus.

"Thank you!" she shouted back to the bus that had already pulled away.

Blowing wisps of her hair out of her face, she ran off to her class hoping there was time for her to take the test. Surely, she studied enough to get a passing. What did she even do this weekend?

In the haze of yesterday with--ugh, Summer's sudden reappearance along with a maelstrom of Others in her room, she kind of forgot everything she had to do. It must have been part of the reason why she forgot to set up the multiple alarms as she usually did.

But she was sure she spent some time this weekend studying. What else could she have done? Like, she remembered partying at the apartment, but that was at night. She'd studied all morning and afternoon with Sammy and some classmates.

As the thought passed through her head, a flash of those study sessions ran through her head. Ordering multiple cups of coffee, exchanging texts with her matches (and getting nowhere), scrolling through Twitter and the like, gossiping and complaining with Sammy and everyone--with no sort of studying at all.


Okay, so she didn't study.

As she entered the class to the TA's unbothered stare, she whispered prayers that she could recall enough of what she'd heard from lecture to pass--or even make it past the cut off for the curve.

After those stressful thirty minutes passed, she reluctantly turned in her exam alongside the remaining stragglers and then exited the building--only to be met with a sudden downpour that her soaked to the bone. Dawn's eyes fell shut and her nostrils flared as she propped her hands on her hips. When she opened her eyes again, she noted the various students in their rainboots, raincoats, and umbrellas. Apparently, it wasn't as sudden as she thought.

But there she was, in skinny jeans, converse, and a strapless top. No jacket or umbrella in sight.

Avoiding everyone's gazes, she raised her bag over her head and rushed to the bus stop's covered benches, huddling by the side of an ad since the bench was occupied by a sleeping old man. She patted her pockets as she glanced at him, feeling a slight hump and pulling out the few dollars stuck in there. Spotting the cup in his dirtied hand and the measly coins and change in it, she carefully and quietly placed the money in there.

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