9.1 ⇻ a damned roommate

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Meanwhile, on that very morning, the six roommates at home gathered around their small dining room table that was tucked very tightly into the space between the kitchen, the "hall", and the living room. All of them discussing their newest additions.

Dawn was in her yoga pants, loose tank, and black sports bra, reaching for a glass of juice as she asked Jason, who was sitting across from her, "Luke gone, too?"

Jason squinted, his eyes probably blurry because he had yet to put his contacts in. "Yeah, left before I even woke up."

"Everyone leaves before you wake up, dude," Bellamy remarked with a snort, drizzling syrup heavily over his regularly massive stack of pancakes. In a smaller plate on the corner of his setting were some scrambled eggs. "Your days start like... after the noon."

"That's not true!" Jason cried, insulted.

All five roommates exchanged a dry glance before settling their gazes on him.

Jason deflated, pouting.

"Do you think they're dating?" Sammy asked after a few moments of silence. She forked a strawberry out of her bowl of sliced fruit. Still chewing, she said, "They like knew each other. Right? The same guy who drove her and her friends over when she moved in was also the one who helped Luke moved in."

Everyone looked at her, worried. "How do you know that?" Jason wondered, confused.

She gave a smarmy grin, giggling as she confessed, "I snuck down to see the new boy move in. By the way, he's cute."

"They're all cute," Dom piped in, slurping at his cereal. This time, everyone turned their gazes to him. "Wha?" he said, milk dripping from his lips. "Like you all didn't notice."

"He's not wrong," Sammy muttered. Frowning at Dom, she asked, "Did you take your lactaid pills?"

Dom shook the bottle in one hand.

"Wanna get some boba later?" Sammy asked him.

"You just want some of my pills. Where are yours?"

"Ran out," she said with a guilty wince. "Too much sweets, man."

Dom rolled his eyes, tossing the bottle at her.

"What about you, Mona," Jason asked his younger sister. She was deep into her book, with her short hair curtained around her. Jason nudged her to get her attention and she picked her head up, looked at everyone, and then moved her headphones aside.


"The new roommates, Mona. Thoughts?"

"Oh. They're all not human." And then she replaced her headphones over her ears and went back to her book and also revealing the piece of bread she was nibbling on. I should really pick up some of that Cheesecake Factory Bread at Safeway, she thought to herself, not noticing everyone's frozen states as they stared at her in shock.

"What do you mean 'not human'?" Sammy exclaimed, the first of them to unfreeze and process what their quietest housemate had to say. It was a shriek of an exclamation, loud enough to pierce any inhuman sound cloaking devices–which was what Mona had. Top notch stuff. Just not top-notch enough to drown out Sammy. 

Mona winced, reluctantly pulling off her headphones and closing her book. She could tell when something was going to go on for a long time. And, not for the first time, she wished she had stayed in bed to read. Screw the crumbs.

"Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John–"

"Hey, those are like the gospels," Sammy grinned in realization, momentarily interrupting Mona, who continued without a beat.

"–are the sons of Lucifer."

Again, she shocked them all into silence. But this time, she noticed. 

Brows scrunching, she frowned. "You guys didn't know?"

"We don't have the same extra senses that you do, Mona," Dawn reminded her patiently. "Not even your brother."

"We don't share the same parents," Mona pointed out for the umpteenth time.

On her right, Jason's lips twitched in a small frown. He was a little hurt whenever Mona made that correction, but over the years, he'd managed to deal with it better. His sister didn't mean it. It was just how she was. He knew she loved him.

Still, that didn't stop Sammy, their childhood friend, from sending him a look of pity.

"Like, the Lucifer? Lucifer Morningstar? First fallen angel? The Dark Lord?" Bellamy sputtered out, nearly choking on his pancake.

"No one calls him the Dark Lord," Mona said in answer.

They all took several more moments to process that.

One minute.



"Wait," Bellamy spoke up. Turning to Mona, he asked, "Then what is Summer?"

Mona shrugged. "Honestly, not sure. She's... she's something different. Or something rare. I've never met anyone like her."

Dawn's silence changed into something more thoughtful. More worried.

Sensing this, Mona was quick to add, "But she seems nice. Not dangerous or anything."

Dawn appreciated the comfort, but... still.

"Alright then," Sammy chirped, easily comforted by Mona's statement. With a clap of her hands, she eagerly leaned forward and asked, "So, who wants to get some milk tea? And some brick toast? I have some sweets cravings."

"You haven't even finished your food," Dom pointed out.

In response, Sammy poured the rest of her bowl of fruit into her mouth, filling it up. Grinning with the mouthful of fruit, she asked, "Well?"

That managed to somewhat ease everyone, stances relaxing and shoulders deflating.

"I'm down." Bellamy.

"Same." Jason nudged his sister. "I'll bring you something back."


"Alright." Dom.

All they were waiting on now was Dawn, who was still stewing in her worry. But with everyone's eased attentions focused on her, she tried to relax, nodding, "Sure, yeah, I'll come."

a.n. so this was short. but i honestly debated whether i was going to post this now or like as a bonus until after this is finished. but seeing as this is still in the process of being written that would be a very questionable date.

also this is the last update of mine where i am no longer on vacation *sigh* but oh well. last quarter and all. 

anywho! thanks for reading!!! lemme know how ya liked this and all that jazz :-))

anywho! thanks for reading!!! lemme know how ya liked this and all that jazz :-))

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