10. [Freedom]

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[Song above: Bit By Bit by Mother Mother]


His tail flicked in anticipation. He glanced down at 999. The orange blob blinked and shook his head. He hissed lowly and stood. He padded away from the gate. 079 wasn't coming...

He froze in his tracks when he heard heavy footfalls from the gate. Another human, maybe I can get them this time?

He turned around, cracking open his jaws. He lifted his tail, ready to whack the poor human. He stopped. 079? There stood 079 with a robot body.

He just stared up at 682. Happiness crackled under his scales. He squinted his eyes in confusion as his vision blurred. He glanced down at 999 again. 999 gurgled in concern at the tears in his eyes. I've never cried before... strange...

He lowered his tail and stepped closer to 079. He tapped his nose horn against his TV head, a small gesture of affection.


682's nose horn bumped against his head lightly. He got a few errors as he did this gesture.

"We need to get out of here, 682."

"Follow me." He responded with a grunt.

079 followed him to a surprisingly intact helicopter that he had smacked out of the sky.

079 got in the pilot's seat. He started up the helicopter and listened as the blades roared to life. 682 shrunk down to the size of a large dog and got in with the little orange happiness blob.

He looked over and saw some SCPs that he had run into on his way through the facility. He sighed in frustration and reluctantly let them board.


I wonder what D-9341 is up to?

He got the helicopter flying and they started their escape. Bullets whizzed by, some hit the blades and ricocheted.

At least no one was bothering with chitchat. It was silent, apart from the hum of the blades.

A new feeling washed over him. It was like a sudden breeze of cold wind during a hot day. Relief.


"Fuck off, Foundation!" He yipped out randomly.

The others either mumbled it, refusing to swear right out, or yelled it with enthusiasm.

[Time Skip]

They crash landed in a countryside near a town. It was dusk by the time they reached the town. At first, he figured this was going to go horribly. A group of weird and deadly creatures entering a human town? Not exactly a fun time, I'd say.

When they got into town, he realized this would not be normal.

The town was... unnerving to say the least. It was quiet, the flickering of street lamps added to the eerie vibe. The town held a dark aura, the shadows of buildings seemed to creep slowly closer. I've never felt sheer terror like this...

If it was day, this town would seem friendly, like any other town. Something about the dark shadows and vast ink colored sky above, changed it. Something told him that they were being watched.

They settled in an alleyway. Hotels weren't an option, the main reason being we aren't exactly human.

He stood near the opening. Across the street, he barely managed to spy a flicker of movement. He shifted backwards into the shadows of the alleyway. A figure crept into the light of a street lamp. A long dark gray cloak concealed the figure. The only thing he managed to catch were a pair of blank cobalt blue eyes. Something about those eyes seem... familiar... That scientist! Those eyes remind me of her... just darker...

This figure put him on edge. They were looking for someone. Her. Not us. We're okay. We'll be fine.

682 came up to him.

"Some of us are hungry. Wanna join me in looking for food?"

079 nodded.

He followed 682 silently down the sidewalk.

He passed a window of a store that had advertisements for job offers and lost pet signs.

One poster caught his attention. He stood staring at it. 682 stopped and came back to where 079 had halted. He looked at the poster too.

Her. That scientist. Just what did that woman do?

Contact the Skye family if you have any information on her whereabouts. Reward for any information will be given.
She is very dangerous, wanted for murder.

What is with the poster anyway? What was this, the Wild West?

Also, MURDER?? Why on earth is she a scientist working for the foundation? If anything, she should be a D-class.

He glanced up at another poster that was labeled in big orange letters.

Skye Family Services
Contact the Skye family for a meeting. We will go after anyone, just as long as you pay up.
Service is closed for now. Due to the death of a family member, we will not be taking any requests at the moment.

An additional note was scribbled hastily under it.

The Skye family is out of town, our services won't be available for an undetermined span of time. Be understanding, thank you.

I'm not liking what this is hinting at. First, did she murder one of her own family members? Second, they're a family of assassins?! Her being wanted for murder is kind of hypocritical, but if I'm correct she did kill one of her own blood.

"How long ago do you think this happened?" 682 muttered.

There was in fact a date on the second poster. It wasn't too recent. This happened a few months ago.

"Not too long ago, definitely not recently though."

682 grunted and started back down the sidewalk. 079 quickly followed.

He looked up at the sky. A flash of light shot across the dark ocean of sky.

A shooting star! Humans wish on those. I... want to be... more than friends with 682...

"A shooting star. Make a wish, 682."

He hissed lowly, "I refuse to stoop down to enjoying pitiful and useless human things."

079 bristled with disappointment.

"They're useless, sure. But I want to learn to enjoy the small things."

682 hummed in consideration.

"Maybe..." He mumbled.

Bitterest Boys [SCP-079 X SCP-682]Where stories live. Discover now