The Adventures (Part One)

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The first thing that happened after Poe got me was getting dragged back to my room so I can get cleaned and changed. Which is what Im finishing up now. I slip on a plain black shirt and some blue jeans with black sneakers. I open the door from my bathroom leading to my bedroom. Poe is sitting on my floor with BB-8. BB is making some serious sounding beeps towards Poe. They actually seemed to be in a serious fight so I decided to cut in by clearing my throat. They both look at me. Poes face immediately relaxes and he runs a hand through his hair. Hey you ready now? I nod in response. Alright lets go then. And with that he walked out of my room with BB and I following behind him. I had no clue where we were going but Poe seemed pretty confident about where he was heading. We left the base and followed a trail that looked like no had used in years. It was overrun with plants to the point where it was almost impossible to see. Poe where are we going? Youll see Kay. He said I rolled my eyes at that old nickname of mine from him. Still calling me that huh? I ask. He laughs. Well of course what else am I going to call you. He replied. Uh I dont know maybe my name. I say back sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me and said Wheres the fun in that though? I roll my eyes at right back at him. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me little miss." He says with a bit of sass in his voice. "Uh first Poe, you're less than a year older than me. And two, you gave me sass first." I say with my voice full of sass. I then flip my hair over my shoulder and give him a look that screams try me now. He takes the hint and backs down. He suddenly stops and I run right into his back. "Oof. Hey what the hell Poe?" I ask once I back up. He just gestures out in front of him. There I see a beautiful pond that is sparkling from the light surrounded by trees, with a small cliff running along the one side. The cliff has a waterfall pouring over it making a small curtain between the wall of the cliff and the rest of the pond. I notice there's a gap there that someone could go behind, I'll have to remember that so I can scare Ana in the future. Poe is just standing off to the side watching me as I stare in awe of this place. "Nice isn't it?" Poe asks. All I can do is nod as I continue to stare off. "Well this is only the first part of our little adventure." Poe informs me. I turn back towards him waiting for our next move.

I really do apologize for this late part. It has been months since I lasted edited this story. I could give all the excuses in the world but honestly who hasn't heard them already? Anyways I'll leave this here and try to work on my stories more often now. TTFN, ta-ta for now.-Kay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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